#deletebrig just means more #deleteflankers

Remember a year ago when everyone complained about how oppressive Genji and Tracer were? How it was unfair that a team had to focus so much resources to deal with 1 problematic Tracer and/or Genji since they had no hard counter outside of a Mccree with a lucky flashbang or a lucky Hog hook?

Gee that argument sounds oddly familiar…

Decode was right, people complaining about Brig just want to blink and dive 24/7.

Brig isnt getting deleted just like Junkrat and Mercy weren’t (ignoring the crowbar they took to her).

Learn to adapt over whining for YOUR version of OW to be forced on everyone else.

Besides they’re finally making it so she cant bash through shields so biggest issue solved right there.

Guess what?

Tracer and Genji do not have barriers. Bash away!


but this forum told me the shield change will affect her 1vs1 matchups vs flankers

are you telling me that these statements come from hysteria???