Unpopular Opinion, #DeleteBrig Campaign is petty, when you can #Adapt, #Counter to Team Comps present to you. It’s not Brig, it’s you, It’s okay to play your favorite hero, but asking to delete anything so you can enjoy said hero is bit selfish.
Feels as though any meta that is not beneficial to your favorite hero, and Heroes that counter your favorite hero gets tons of heat. I get that there was a meta around for extended period of time, but the community asked for Anti-Dive,
this is what you asked for, it’s not the hero, it’s your decision to play what you want to play.
No one is making you play OW properly, with team work that Brig needs to work her kit. At the same time, the Hero didn’t make strategies like Goats, it’s the players who did, and each new Hero added will have these strategies be developed. These additions requires the playerbase to adapt, if you don’t want to, that is your problem, not the game.
If i were to look into anything that would be stack-able healing auras.
Rein change will probably leave Rein UN-stunnable by brig regardless of where he is hit.
Nerfs to balanced characters have proven this time and time again. Its easier to dumb down the game than it is to expect players to become better. Plus it keeps the players false sense of their skills intact.
That sure is the better option. Let’s not complain about the lowest skill demanding hero in the game being the meta changer all on her own and instead just ADAPT.
You want to ADAPT? Then you can ADAPT to the upcoming nerfs and potential more nerfs should that become necessary too.
Isn’t Pharah the only hero in the game that can fight Brigtte without having to worry about her shield or getting bashed around. It feels like Brig has the advantage against every other hero.
Just adapt to the change! Crying about it is also petty. Besides, the brig problem runs every rank. So It is more than just about adapting it, but it is fundamentally problematic in all ranks.
Brig didn’t make the meta, the players did, she fulfilled her purpose as anti-dive.
Like anything if you look at how goats work, you can say the stack-able healing auras should be adjusted. Not Brig itself. They will continue to bring new characters, there will always be different strategies, but if everyone strongly believes one method is the best, you will see only one strategy being used, not to say there isn’t other strategies, which is how team like China got far in WC.
Team work
That logic is ridiculous. Brigitte is easy, simple as that, but she gets the same if not more value than difficult heroes. It’s tough to outplay something that is guaranteed against you.
I played many characters and have to face hard counters before, it was my choice to play my favorite character against all odds, but that decision to not counter or outplay the odds, can be detrimental to the team performance in team game.
Life will continuously throw stuff at you, including hard counters, it’s not going to wait for you to adapt, it’s your decision to make it easier on yourself, or overcome it.
You know what that sounds like? Here are some similar things you can say that make no sense and are absurd on the same level.
Dive heroes didn’t make dive meta. Players realized they work better so they made dive.
Mercy wasn’t picked as a must pick for about 6 months because she was OP. She was picked all the time because players realized she was strong.
You get the idea.
Here’s what brig is. The purpose was anti dive. But she’s not just anti dive now is she? She was designed in a way that she takes the slot of a dps and works as a tank and sustains the team as a semi healer.
Before brig, you picked 3 healers meant that you would lack in damage department. So while your sustain was higher, your disadvantage would balance things out and make a triple support comp an unreliable comp. Triple tank was strong initiation wise, but it didn’t provide sustain. Triple tank triple support didn’t provide enough damage. But with the addition of brig, Goats can sustain, deal damage, and initiate in a way that is near unstoppable.
So, realize that brig is making this meta happen. Remove her from the picked heroes, and everything reverts back to the way it was and you’ll never see goats happening.
As for China doing something in WC, unfortunately you’ll never find anything remotely close to that level of coordination in normal games.
So while goats might be counterable with really high coordination and teamplay, IT just takes a lot more to counter it instead of easily playing it instead.