Delete this pls...pls

issue is that low ranks dont play double shield, so they dont realize how boring it is


delete this pls…pls.

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I don’t know how far down double barrier goes, but on Xbox diamond rank it’s Rein Sigma right now

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You severely over estimate the impact of balance changes on anything below Diamond.


LMAO that’s post proves my point, look at the names that appear in each rank and how often they repeat. That’s the problem you are desperate to ignore. That’s what top down balance does to the majority playerbase, you end up making some heroes objectively better to play and win with therefore restricting the pool of heroes the majority of people are able to play and have fun with.


delete this pls…pls.


you mean the place where there really isnt a meta and people just play whatever anyway?


We already knew this.

OWL has destroyed this game.
The development team are corrupt AF and are not your friend.
Their “secret council of DPS mains” discord that dictates the direction of balance have screwed balance for Tanks and Supports for years.

Clean house. The lot of them need to go.


What about the fact that continuing on this path will make less people actually play the game? Which in turn would make less people care about a pro league?

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I mean overall I’d say many of the changes so far have been in line with keeping the game more enjoyable. People were devastated when Brig got nerfed from 600 -> 200 hp shields, but she’s still persisted.

Orisa/Sigma have been nerfed several times and have still persisted as well. Many annoying things in the game have been corrected imo and the balance overall is still pretty good.

I think more people have been happy with 2/2/2 than without it.


so they purposely made a boring meta before right?

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Yea its like the NBA saying that people are tired of seeing 3 pointers so lets move the 3 point line to the half court mark just to balance the game.

Yea thats going to help!

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They didn’t make the meta, the top players did that like they’ve been doing all along. For them its about finding the easiest heroes that work together best to win with. Its got nothing to do with individual skill at all. The disconnect is that the suits at blizzard have their own idea of what is flashy aka makes them money and dictate that to devs and the top/pro players, the rest of us be damned. Which is why Genji happened, he was made so strong that you couldn’t afford not to use him in a meta he isn’t designed to work best in. But that meta, like goats, is a result of the top players maximizing which heroes work well best together.


laughs in hook ohko


It’s mostly because they’re also marketing and advertising the game. So if someone comes across an OW league game, have their interest sparked, try the game, just to notice that things aren’t quite the same.

The actual developers are great. The engineers and artists all do a great job.

It’s the management and people who don’t actually code the game which are lacking.


Im not suprised.

but it makes sense, there was no way they were even trying with this balance decisions…

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The sad part is that they did it because they (devs) f up it themselves
If they would have actually spent the time to balance the game their wouldn’t be a need to do something like this

I’m tired of shooting at shields 24/7 so I am completely fine with this.


Nope. No they are not.