Delete this please..pls

Yeah, no games company ever changed anything due to backlash and bad PR. EA totally didn’t pull Lootboxes from Battlefront 2 due to backlash, Valve totally didn’t remove paid mods due to backlash, Lootboxes in OW totally didn’t get improved several times due to backlash…

Point is, sh!t changes if you criticise it, sometimes. But nothing can ever change if you never say a word and just accept everything.


Ironically you’re the one using the strawman fallacy, you were the one that came up with “coaching is cheating”

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Man, you sure zinged me there. Look at everyone who actually cares that you’ve posted about strawmen more than the average Iowa farmer in a lifetime, boy howdy, that sure got me on your side.

I didn’t say that though? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

:roll_eyes: Why are you surprised? We’re having a discussion on a public forum. People like me are going to try to have debates without having to resort to logical fallacies and therefore, will point out logical fallacies fallacies because there is no point in arguing with someone who uses logical fallacies.

If you didn’t you sure agreed to it as a means of argument : http s://

Neither programs breach TOS nor are they cheats, bots or hacks. So how exactly are they “NOT PERMITTED” as they do not touch OW at all nor does it actually affect OW gameplay at all. Visor does seem to give ingame tips (overlay), pursuit is pure post-game stats. So your clarifications are actually not fitting at all nor on point.

I was describing Pursuit? I never said that coaching specifically is cheating. Besides, the focus of that description was this part:


professional coaches or not, coaching itself is not cheating. It’s a form of helping you how to learn.

The ult tracking can be considered cheating for sure, I’m not arguing against that. But match history, an sr graph, and tips outside the game, are not cheating, and that’s what me and the others are arguing about.


You can record your matches with OBS and upload them to Visor’s site. That’s what I’ve been doing for months.

You can even do it as a single long recording if you’re doing multiple matches and it’ll automatically break it up.

That’s not my argument though? Wth…

You literally argued that the website “told you” that there were professional coaches involved. That was the core of your argument against pursuit.

When the other dude said it there weren’t any coaches you refuted that by saying that’s what the website says.

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I proved that it is literally outside help. I didn’t say that coaching itself was a cheat.

Did I say that? In fact I believe I said that kind of action, taking no action at all, was unproductive. It’s literally right there. Are you ok?

I didn’t say that, I said it was unproductive to give up. You know I was in agreement with the idea that such programs probably aren’t problematic, it’s just that as long as Blizzard thinks they are there’s no point arguing on a forums they don’t even consult for balance advice. But now you’re all throwing these extremes at me and claiming I’ve said things I haven’t, it’s rather alarming.

Regarding your examples it is indeed quite potent when you start stripping a company’s profits and putting the word out on larger news outlets. Stop spending money, don’t play the game, get big youtube personalities or others to drum up attention, etc. But these forums won’t do much of anything.

Thank you for handling this correctly Blizz.

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The core of my argument was this:

In response to this:

While I’m not sure I agree it’s a cheating tool, I commend Blizzard for taking a soft approach to users who were given the impression that it wasn’t cheating, giving the grey area a “stop now and we’ll let it slide”, rather than just banning everyone who decided to try it.

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You didn’t prove anything. I disproved what you said with actual photographic evidence, but you’re not accepting that I did. You can say you cured cancer in that post, and it still wouldn’t be true.

Well then I misunderstood you acting like you took my sarcasm at face value, I didn’t think you agreed with that.

Looks like we don’t disagree all that much then, but I still think writing here has some value. Where else are these people supposed to air their dissatisfaction other then internet-forums? If there’s enough noise here, some YouTube personality might notice, just how media-outlets (and YouTubers) noticed EA getting absolutely annihilated on reddit. This forum might not be the best place, but not even here is a waste of time.