Delete this please..pls

Does fraps not? I don’t actually know because I don’t use it.
Discord is obviously working because they have a partnership with Blizzard and Steam well its Valve, Valve does what Valve want to do xD.

Except for making TF2 content and comic updates that their player base keeps asking for numerous times since a blue moon update (I wish the Heavy update would be out :cry:) .

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I misunderstood your first point my bad.

Watching a youtube video teaching you how to have better positioning gives you an advantag, or using an aim training game. This is pedantic, anyone can use pursuit. There is no invisible wall stopping literally anyone from using it, an advantage is using something someone else doesn’t have access to.

Why is viewing stats considered an advantage? Literally every sport in the world does this. Blizz is just trying to placate the crap tier casuals that always find something to blame on someone else as to why they are bad.

unless you dl it, there’s no access. Point proven.
It would be easier to suggest to blue on what stats you would like to see when you hit tab. ANd to suggest that like, every day.

It’s been suggested for 2 years and they have done nothing, thats why pursuit exists.

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Well yes but Pursuit takes your game and tells you what you did wrong and what you should do better.
IMO this is something you should do your self and not some AI That’s why I don’t think its good for the game and needs to be banned.

This is really no argument.
anyone can use Aim bots.
But everybody agree’s Aim bots are cheats.

Like any other Hack…
Also you could say that the ban hammer is kinda of an invisible wall xD.

My point stays.

Its not when everybody has the same stats but my guess is that Blizzard views Stats that only is available to Pursuit users as an advantage for them because they can improve easier.

The reason why sides like Overbuff are not banned is that they only use the stats that Blizzard gives on our Profiles (I know you don’t say anything about it but I thought I prepare for that)

And in the end this is Blizzard’s game they can ban whatever they want in it for absolutely no reason we only bought access to that game.

Maybe is part of the reason why there was a recent developer update. I agree, I feel as if they could have elaborated adding Stats to the game.

And you just proved you have no idea what Pursuit does. It just tells you YOUR stats, not what you did right or wrong, that is up to you to parse.

Why is providing anyone stats about how many times they killed or died bad? How is it bad to know who and how many times someone was picked first or the first pick?

And really? Comparing an aim bot to numbers? You’re reaching.

Stats that come directly from you’re gameplay that you normally don’t have access too. And on which you can Improve on what others can’t do so easily.
That’s the point that matters.

Because only pursuit users get that Infomation for free. Everybody else need to to work for it.

I only took your an argument and applied it to something else and it works.
Saying anybody has access to Pursuit is absolutely no reason for it not to be a cheat because everybody has also access to any other Cheat in this world.

It helps you improve faster than without it which gives you an advantage which goes against the Eula and the ToS and as long they don’t make an exception for it its a Cheat and fair to get banned for by using it cut and dry.

look if you wanna really cheat for your friends just go in spectator mode and just cycle through each player and tell where people are…not hard lol,and its not even third party!

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Its time delayed so its not really practical.

This is like talking to a wall. Cool yes, it’s all cheating because blizz are lazy and trying to protect the plat userbase.

Dude if your not happy with it fine but let h
Others have opinions too. Learn to improve by yourself or you will get nowhere in live.

Don’t just flam if your out of argument.

It’s not an argument when you have no idea how the program works, yet you fight against it and call it cheating. It’s talking to someone uneducated on the subject arguing as if they are. Your opinion holds no weight when you have no clue about the topic at hand.

I have a clue and I know how it works I made an opinion around it the fact that ypu stubornly ignore what I say just so your base does not get hurt is acually sad I take my leave now its not worth spending my time with somebody who does not know how to discuss things and just uses excuses for cheating.

Good riddance, maybe there can be intelligent discussions here now.

I really don’t know what to say about Pursuit - Blizzard is simply in the wrong here. There is no problem with stat tracking and it doesn’t intrude into Overwatch during game play in any way. I can only imagine they are cracking down because they are going to release their own version of that kind of functionality in the next year or so. But really it’s stat tracking and nothing else, and even the strictest of interpretations of Blizzard’s rules should give it the okay. Blizzard - you are wrong on this.

Visor toes the line. Here is Visor’s response to being on the ban list, by the way:

So apparently it assumes it’s “safe” by also only working via screenshots and not giving the player any information that the player doesn’t have themselves (it doesn’t read memory or game files or do anything to a single Overwatch file in any way). But it works on an overlay and gives the player tips during game play, and uses the screenshots and smart algorithms to predict when enemy ultimates are estimated to be ready, and it tracks the kill feed to recognize when the enemy team is trickling and to play more aggressively (again, all through analyzing screenshots that it takes). I think that’s a great tool to help players get better, but in a ranked game context, it really does offer an unfair advantage and is able to observe and do analysis for you, regardless of whether or not that information is available to everyone anyway. I can agree that Visor is cheating and shouldn’t be allowed. If someone was playing and streaming via Twitch or something and had a pro watching and coaching during gameplay - that is also cheating to me. For quick play? Nah, that should be allowed and fine, but not for ranked. Your ranked performance and standing should be your unaided performance.

iam pretty sure they are shutting these down so other people do not make money with their game.

seeing how greedy blizzard is … they want all the money on their bank account.

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I don’t understand you guys compare them to other big developers.
Most of them are way WAY worst Bliz is doing a good job.

I already went over the reason why I do think that they can call it bannable.

and its there game they don’t need a reason not even a bad one if they don’t have on. They just need to look that it doesn’t die out which it isn’t

good for you i see other big publisher doing better…

ofc they can do all they want with their game… and people are free to judge their behavior.