At least in my opinion it is. Brigitte was released in march and everyone else has moved on. Hovever the people who aren’t happy with Bri’s survivability has kept a bunch of people annoyed ever since her release. It’s understandable to hate a character, but from what i’m seeing on the forums, the Bri haters are doing discord servers and fake petitions all about asking Blizzard to remove her from the game.
statements that will prove me wrong?
Go for it
Literally everyone Masters and above hates Brig in general, yes, everyone in OWL too. She’s factually a very poorly designed character across the board:
She has obscene value and nearly no skill required compared to any other hero
She is almost literally a 1-woman army sans self-healing (too many roles simultaneously)
Because she requires very little skill, she is boring to play
Her kit is extremely unfun to deal with in general, having the most powerful stun in the game, a 4 second cd knockback (which makes no sense), and more raw durability than any other support
Her abilities are factually cheating because they break the pre-established rules of Overwatch that apply to literally all other characters. She is the only character in the game whose heals/buffs penetrate directly through enemy shields and barriers.
People who are Diamond- claim she’s had lots of nerfs and balanced now, no big deal. You aren’t getting the point. Brig’s balance is completely irrelevant; her existence is a blight on the game and creates a bad precedent for hero design going forward.
It is true the game needed a hero to deal with dive spam, but Brig was not a healthy way to do it.
There maybe reasons why people are saying, “delete Brigitte”.
She’s not a squishy support hero, like Zenyatta.
People are playing a hero that she counters, and don’t switch to any of her counters.
They don’t know how to take down a tanky hero.
They don’t understand or realise she’s a tanky support hero.
They don’t know how to play heroes that deal with tanky heroes.
Maybe, just maybe if the 5 things I have listed people would say, “Hey, Brigitte is a tanky support hero”. Then, they would stop saying, “delete Brigitte”, but, they will keep playing that same hero that does nothing to Brigitte, and demand that she get deleted 'cause they can’t switch to a hero that counters her.
Why do people hate Brigitte? It’s 'cause no one knows how to counter her. If they do know how to counter her, then no one is playing her counters. None of Brigitte’s counters are even being played in Master and above. She’s not even played that often and wins in every rank across PC and console due to no one is playing her counters.
Wow you’re totally right. People at the literal highest level of OW who play in the Overwatch World Cup simply don’t know how to counter Brig! If only the people who created Overwatch knowledge knew the one simple trick to deal with Brig, they wouldn’t complain about her!
I do know how to deal with Brigitte, and it’s the same thing with dealing with a tank. Brigitte is very weak to high burst damage, and so are all tanks. Bastion, Pharah, Junkrat, Soldier with his rockets, Orisa to some extent, even Hanzo, and now Ashe has the high burst damage. Brigitte and all tanks are also weak against shotgun heroes; Roadhog, Reaper and even Torbjorn. Just to make it even better, the Overwatch devs has buffed all of those same heroes to, not only deal with Brigitte, but to also deal with the team comp currently running rampant, triple tanks and supports.
The devs even buffed McCree’s fan the hammer, which also deals with Brigitte… and tanks.
…mercy? …torb? different strokes for different folks
No she’s not or else she could 1v2+ everything. this is a blatant exaggeration.
This is very subjective. Whether or not a hero is more or less skillful has little bearing on whether or not they’re fun or boring. all it speaks to is skill ceiling.
Sounds like a personal problem. One that could be solved by playing one of the more “fun, skill-intensive heroes” at a range of more than 5 meters, also her stun is not the most powerful in the game. There’s earthshatter, sleepdart which is 5x longer and only ends prematurely when the enemy hits you, hook which lasts .5 seconds and pulls you into the enemy team.
This could be said for almost any hero they added. Sombra broke the pre-established rules of visibility and being able to use abilities. Ana broke the pre-established rules of healing and aiming. Doomfist broke the pre-established rules of ammo and ability usage, Ashe breaks the pre-established rules of ults being able to contest, etc. This point couldn’t be less relevant. The fact that they are in the game placed by the devs themselves is evidence that they are not cheating. It’s a literal design mechanic of the game
Wow…biased much? You admit she’s balanced. Why would she not belong in the game if she’s able to be balanced? Also no…she was the only way to deal with dive spam. Because you know how McCree and Mei were supposed to be anti-dive? Dive ran over them because it’s too difficult to land their anti-dive capabilities.
Every movement is on its way to becoming dead.
Every person is dying and on its way to becoming dead.
Every meme is on its way to becoming a dead meme.