Definitive Mercy Poll

Then neither is “Disheartening to play against”


Erm, nope. They, or more specifically, Jeff Kaplan, said “I’d like to put the notion that Mercy will be reverted to rest.” Rework =/= revert


I was going to type out a short response to all the possible answers but then I’d only repeat what very capable people in this thread ( and the forum in general ) have stated already. And since it’s met with deaf ears, me saying it over and over again won’t do much.

But I will say that at this point, a rework is the only option for her. She’s not fine, she can’t be buffed because even the tiniest buff to her main kit is going to cause the skill elitists to fall into a state of baby rage.
As much as I want a revert, she’s never going to get that so I’m hoping the devs will actually LOOK at the place she’s in right now and keep the promise of bringing her back. There’s little to no hope for that but hey, I’m not giving up yet. They don’t even have to come up with ideas themselves, there’s more than enough non OP Rework ideas all over this forum and in the Megathread. If only they read it from time to time.


Is it set a way that stops multi votes?

If you read the replies youll see I literally just got the words mixed up :woman_shrugging:

Yeah, I only read that as I scrolled further down

we go agane me doggies

How about if you don’t care, ignore it. It’s not productive going into a thread you don’t care about, and only saying ‘I don’t care’. Again, you’re not special. If you don’t care, ignore the thread.

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I prefer slyther’s poll to this, but maybe what’s needed is a simple one

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Holy ****
They called it “perfect iteration of mercy”
2 instant valk rezzes
2 instant rezzes inside valk
The same mercy that dominated overwatch league and seasons 6-9.
The same mercy that caused ana lucio players to one trick mercy on ladder and pro league
The same mercy that was stronger than mass Rez mercy to an extent since most rezzes were 2 mans
The same must pick mercy with 55+ winrate

This is why we can’t have good things

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Whoever voted “nerf” is either trolling or delusional lmfao

Yeah same with those that voted rework/revert :man_shrugging:

I dont think its quite as definitive as youd like it to be though. Since the majority of players who click the poll will be people who are unhappy with mercy, and even so the majority of players on the forums, are those who are unhappy. People who are happy with mercy arent gonna come here to explain so the forum base will always be skewed

You obviously lack the ability to read if that’s your reaction to what I said. You completely ignored the fact that I said she would need a slower ultimate charge rate, meaning while she would have 2 instant res’s in Valkyrie, it would take her longer to get said res’s. Dumb.

Rework. Rez still being in her kit means the rest of her kit will always be crap until its removed

You’re not special either bud. You probably think you are though. You can’t accept an opinion. If I wasn’t being productive, why are we having this argument? Why am I commenting in this thread? You’re just spewing nonsense now.

Yup and can you make a second poll to know what the voters play ?

You realize these polls will never mean anything? This forum doesn’t even make up 5% of the OW community.

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I think she’s fine, the only buff I can think of is 55hps being tested out.

Her winrate went back to 50% in GM this week, her pickrate is low but that’s not because Mercy is ‘bad’, its because her and Moira both lack the utility that Ana has. (Moiras picked less than Mercy, being the bottom support)

I honestly think these choices are too simple.