Defense Matrix Season 9 Update – Endorsing Positive Players

At this point I think they should just remove chat all together from this game. You can say something not even bad and somebody can just report you for not liking what you say. Most the time I don’t even think there is an actual person checking the reports.


so yall are pretending you actually review appeals now? all you do is have AI or an automated system reply lmfao. The only way to get an actual person to review an account action is by being popular on twitter.


im glad i was able to bring light to this issue. I wish i actually got the benefit of doing so though.

The Defense Matrix Initiative is continuing to go strong in 2024.

More oppressive than the last year then?


You can literally not be in chat and still get suspended. And frankly I’ve nothing against people being mildly toxic if it’s in a cheeky funny banter-like manner where you try to stay in your chosen character’s personality. But I do see a lot of people telling others to kill themselves and similar stuff and they seem to never get banned or suspended.

As for cheaters…this game and pretty much any free to play is swarming with them and many people are blind to this fact. Cheats for multiplayer games have become a multi-billion-dollar business and all the Jimmies and Jessicas out there use them to “keep up” with others. I’ve even seen many griefers who openly admit to cheating after getting called out by multiple players in the lobby, and they give some BS reason like “I’m cheating because blizzard ruined the game for Genji/McCree/Doomfist players”, or “I’m cheating because everyone is cheating nowadays” and so on.


I mean i get why you’re pushing the penalty system to Mystery Heroes but to a co-op (and group only) Hero Mastery? Why?

Im glad that we can finally endorse friends but thats not “changing the impact of endorsements”


Been there, took 2 different tickets for them actually tell me why. Was it warranted, yes it was. I wasn’t trying to fight it just wanted to know what I said that caused it. Good luck to you.

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I mean, I get you want this to be true for the ego boost since you’re endorsement level 5. But realistically, most likely just means you play tank and/or support a lot. I’m silver and endorsement 4 and I am certainly not at all skilled - I’m a mid-40’s man with corresponding failing eyesight, reactions of a slug plus also nerve damage that makes my aim pretty lousy. And I’ve had a couple of chat bans in the last few months which I guess means I’m “toxic” (although I think it’s well reported now that the new system is rather keen - I’d not had so much as a warning having played since OW1 came out in 2016 before this).

So no, sorry to burst your bubble. Even someone like me can just passively get a high endorsement level in a low rank while being crap, just by playing particular roles.

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What are you guys doing. You didn’t think this through. Wtf.

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In most cases, many of these cases often prove that a player is disruptive, but there are also some cases where we can do a better job at addressing disruptive behavior.

Coincidentally, this communication comes with the enormous number of layoffs in Blizzard, which we know have especially affected the customer support department. should we therefore think that there are new lines of conduct for customer service staff? Microsoft managers who are reorganizing what has been done so far by Blizzard / Activision in that department?

If you feel you’ve been actioned unfairly because someone else may have compromised your account, you may choose to appeal the action, and we’ll review and make a final decision. Keep in mind that you are responsible for your account and should not share it with others for any reason.

so this translates into a disappearance of the tickets confirming the banning for saying “gg”? I would like to underline this, because it is simply ridiculous that I am also cited by the assistance for users who appeal the sanction.

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Actually a Widow main here, and I’m over the hill (50+ lol). I play Ana when I flex into support, and Ramatra in the tank role. I fought wearing my reader glasses until I could no longer land those cross map dome shots. What a difference when you can see your targets haha.

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I have to give credit where it’s due.

I have been one of the biggest critics of this area in particular of the game.

Although there are people that have been unfairly banned, on the whole it feels that you no longer tolerate racism, sexism and homophobia even on console.

I see the difference and commend you on it.

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lol indeed

When I play a great game as support, sometimes I get 1 or none

When I had a bad game I get 4…

People just click blindly haha… Endorsement never and never will mean something …

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As an endorsement level 5 player who’s constantly banned, I can’t help but find this post hilarious. Blizz is gradually becoming aware of the growing conversation about abuse of the report system, but do they understand the conversation yet?

Reading between the lines, it seems clear to me that they know the mod team hasn’t been doing its job, and my inference is that they’re promising to do better. This is a step in the right direction if true, but just a small step. There remains the problem that an enormous quantity of players are being reported and banned for this one reason only: ‘this player caused me to lose.’ Two of the most offensive things you can do in OW are play too poorly or play too well (or at least be perceived as doing so). The report system is being used like a social media platform thumbs down button to punish players ‘guilty’ of these offenses. Here’s how to reduce these occurrences…

An infinitely available report function doesn’t seem to make sense in my opinion. The likelihood that you would ever need to report all players you encounter is essentially 0%, so why do we need the option to exist?

Reports should be limited to a certain quantity per week for each individual reporting category. This forces players to choose their actions more carefully, reserving their reports more for players who deserve it and less for players who simply annoyed them with their gameplay performance.

Add an “avoid as enemy” option. Increase slots for both teammate and enemy avoid options to at least 6 and increase the duration to at least 14 days. Currently, many players’ avoid slots are constantly full. Thus, their only remaining means of removing a new player from their games is to report them and hope others have done the same so it culminates in a suspension.

Most players would never abuse the system like this. However, it’s reasonable to assume that those willing to do it are willing to do it persistently. Increasing their avoid options will reduce their reliance on alternative means of punishing others.

Add a report option specifically for hate speech, with reports verified by AI. A single verified report results in an account being actioned.

How do you reconcile a player being endorsement level 4 or 5 while also receiving enough reports to trigger a suspension? Something isn’t adding up - unless you begin to consider possible correlations…

Are more pleasant players more likely to be false reported by unpleasant players? If a toxic player prone to griefing wants to lash out at someone after a loss, what better target than the Ana on their team who, despite having low healing, remains optimistic and says “great try. gg everyone”? Are more skilled players more likely to be false reported by those they defeat? Countless times I’ve seen players say they report anyone whose aim looks even remotely suspicious, with the intent of letting the system sort it out. But why report them for cheating when we now know that inappropriate chat reports get results fast? I know I’m not the only one who’s figured that out.

These problems can be mitigated by having reports in certain categories be weighted according to player endorsement.

In the time I took to write this, I was false flagged in another thread. The mod chose to remove my post, which indisputably violated no rules, while allowing the post to which I responded, whose content was equivalent to my own. Blizz can’t stay ignorant of this infestation within their community and company forever.


There was a certain Ferengi Grand Nagus named Bobby…

Boo get Aaron Keller fired boo.
No one likes the dumpster fire anymore boo.
If people were smart they’d stop buying ingame content because these asshats only listen to our wallets.

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Remember, saying anything that harasses or ridicules your teammates is inappropriate, regardless of any language used. When you play Overwatch, you are playing with up to nine other players who are just as passionate to play as you are

You confuse the cause of this behavior and the effect.

You punish players who try their hardest to climb the rank:

  • who play half of their games against smurfs where all the progress you’ve made just evaporate (I’m plat in NA region);
  • who get one-trick balls/hogs/dooms who don’t know how to push their buttons and don’t switch if their hero don’t work;
  • who get placing teammate with 10+ times less played time (esp. ranked time);
  • who get trolling/throwing players who NEVER [in my ranked experience] get banned, because others just don’t give a s…

And after that, you get reported for inappropriate communication towards them.

Also, I was silenced for two weeks recently, and who did you punish? Mostly my teammates, because you can’t join VC and listen to them (if they actually talk, ofc), and you can’t tell them that you can’t. Why on earth are you not solely muted, but also deafened? Furthermore, you make chat not appear when they message in chat.

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every time you use text chat, use a voiceline or crouch you lose a battlepass level

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Some of my best experiences were full of insults and laughter.
This was back when OW1 wasn’t as infected with left wing goofy logic.
Overwatch 2 is a great example of what a socialist regime is like. Everyone is silenced, no one can be fun and all insults will cause the snowflakes to scissor themselves.
GG Blizzard, You became the punchline to just about every joke in the book.

Aim is stored in the balls.