Defense Matrix Season 9 Update – Endorsing Positive Players

If you really want to reduce toxicity, you need to improve the matchmaking such that we’re not always being on teams with players that have no clue what they are doing, or players who just goof off for no reason other than “it’s just quick play”. The fewer blow-out losses and one-sided games we experience, the better the experience is for all players.


i get banned for saying “why my ult didnt explode” and “soldier dont go alone to die” if you dont fix the report system anything else you said is meaningless, if you want to reduce toxicity stop baning people for using the chat, or make a good game so people will not feel frustrated


Neither of those mean these players are inherently more skilled though, especially that last part.

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If you’re going to add leaver penalties to mystery heroes….then how about doing something about one of the things that most often leads to stomps, which often causes leavers:

Remove the hero stacking as it all too often hard tilts matches in favor of one team and causes people to leave left and right

The game mode has one of the highest leaver rates


Your report system is garbage. You ban people for cursing in chat without ANY malicious intent behind the words yet I have people purposely THROWING games, running it down, refusing to heal and just feeding yet I haven’t received a SINGLE notification that any of these reports are actioned on.


“We’ve seen feedback that endorsements should be more impactful. So we’ve made it easier to get endorsed.”

That’s… certainly an approach.


That’s why the original reply ended with this:

Most players give props to the highest performing team members on the Stats tab. This is usually elims for DPS or Tank and heal numbers for supports. However, death count is also another big variable – If I see someone with 15+ deaths while everyone else is at 2, then that makes me question whether or not that player was feeding the enemy team’s ults.

So, starting in Season 9, we’re removing the restriction to endorse players if you are already friends.

good to know that endorsements now mean nothing even more than before >.>


You are correct… since Endorsement Level x 1k = experience bonus each week, that’s akin to Blizz giving players Monopoly money for ice cream purchases that can never happen.

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There’s also a rule that friends can’t endorse each other. While this was intentional when we first introduced Endorsements, we don’t want to discourage anyone from celebrating their teammates, even if they are already friends on So, starting in Season 9, we’re removing the restriction to endorse players if you are already friends.


Starting in Season 9, we’re extending these leaver queue restrictions to Mystery Heroes, along with Hero Mastery: Gauntlet, when it is released later this year. Again, we acknowledge there may be reasons for players to step away from their unranked games. However, leaving four or more games will activate queue restrictions until you can play your games to completion.

Uh oh. This is gonna make people angry. :grimacing:

Since the launch of Overwatch 2, we have identified and banned over 380,000 accounts that were found to be cheating. In addition, we have suspended or banned over 35,000 accounts that have knowingly grouped up with cheaters. Remember, if you encounter a player in your games that you suspect to be cheating, report them in-game.

I actually expected that number to be higher.

If you feel you’ve been actioned unfairly because someone else may have compromised your account, you may choose to appeal the action, and we’ll review and make a final decision. Keep in mind that you are responsible for your account and should not share it with others for any reason.

So, I have very high concerns about this. Because people do appeal and they are given the most generic, AI-driven response possible that doesn’t address their concerns, doesn’t share information, just a, “No, we found your account in violation and we are not lifting the ban” response.

If that happens, are people actually going to get a helpful response? Or a copy-and-paste template like they currently get?


The “transparency around account actions” actually just says nothing.

I’ve got a friend who I used to play Overwatch with, but he’s CONSTANTLY getting 4 week bans for chat. He has no idea what he’s saying wrong, Blizzard REFUSE to tell him, so how is he supposed to correct his behaviour? This is a common trend online too - most people never find out what they did wrong, and those who do often never actually said anything toxic or bad (my favourite example being the player who was banned for saying a teammates name).

players cannot improve their behaviour if you don’t tell them what they did wrong. Punishing for the sake of punishment instead of trying to improve your player’s behaviour isn’t going to fix anything.

We’ve given up, I’m a former top 500 player and I just don’t even bother logging in anymore. If he’s constantly getting banned for reasons that multiple blizzard agents cannot provide, whats saying the same won’t happen to me? I’ve been playing Apex instead, the ranked system is terrible but at least I’m not going to get banned for saying GG or a team mates name or something.


Trash company ruining their games more and more


Well, cheating is plaguing game. It is not working that well to dectect cheaters, that they are in 60% games.

Also, account ban is just ridiculous, when you can create new one and start HACKING right away… DO hardware/IP bans.


This is basically Blizz saying they’re extended the leaver penalty to MH’s and they’re doing their, “Best” to deter cheaters. We already know you’re never going to do enough to get rid of cheaters (there are way more than what you would like to think).

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Like being able to endorse friends. Long time coming.

Giving bad actors more information about why they were actioned is a good thing. Sometimes they may not understand what is considered bad behavior. Based on their past experiences, they may not see it as bad behavior. There’s historically been games that tolerate, or encourage, trash talk. Now they may gain an understanding of what acceptable here.

Looks like some positive changes.

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We need the opt-out of crossplay option if we cannot leave without penalties.


Update to Discouraging Leavers

We’ve previously shared that we adjusted how players who leave too many games in Quick Play are penalized. This has yielded some positive results, with the number of leavers dropping significantly. In previous game update, players are restricted from queuing for games and can be suspended for up to four hours if they leave six of their last 20 games played.

Starting in Season 9, we’re extending these leaver queue restrictions to Mystery Heroes, along with Hero Mastery: Gauntlet, when it is released later this year. Again, we acknowledge there may be reasons for players to step away from their unranked games. However, leaving four or more games will activate queue restrictions until you can play your games to completion.

Hammer Down on Cheating

Our efforts to fight against cheating are ongoing, and we’re pleased to share our continued progress. Cheats like aimbots and wall hacks take away the competitive integrity of our game. Using cheats also goes against our In-Game Code of Conduct and End User License Agreement. Those identified using cheats will be removed from playing Overwatch 2.

Since the launch of Overwatch 2, we have identified and banned over 380,000 accounts that were found to be cheating. In addition, we have suspended or banned over 35,000 accounts that have knowingly grouped up with cheaters. Remember, if you encounter a player in your games that you suspect to be cheating,

I swear the Team leads to this game company want to pulverize this game… SMH disgusting.

Okay, So fire your match making team, ask the people from Microsoft to step in with their “magic” hardware and their Gurus at the Microsoft company to come up with a better match design system.

Then maybe you wouldn’t have so many LEAVERS.

Nobody wants their face shoved into a brick wall while gaming. SBMM needs fixing. Your match maker sucks.

Cheating: Again until you start charging money for the game again, dump your stupid “Free 2 play model” and actually enforce Operating System ID bans this game will always have tons of cheaters freely exploiting it.

bottom line is. This game’s upper management is a joke. and of course they keep THEM on the job, instead of retaining their art team and pve team.

Leave it to this game to gut its own soul out and leave the snakes at the top to continue to shovel it into the coal furnace. SMH. disgraceful.


the one game on the planet you can guarantee takes every illogical decision and apply it to a once amazing Video game.



Can you address people leaving in competitive? If someone leaves like a minute after your comp match then your almost guaranteed the loss and it affects you negatively which isn’t fair


IMO they should have strictly focused on COMP for the leavers deal. because that is a mode where we receive rating and nothing is done about it.


We’ve seen a trend in online communities when players share about getting their accounts suspended or banned. In most cases, many of these cases often prove that a player is disruptive,

I love this part.

The fact that “false ban” post are so common even the devs have said something is quite funny to me.

Its good to know they are gonna try and be more transparent, will be interesting to see how this is done.