Defense Matrix activated! Fortifying gameplay integrity and positivity in Overwatch 2

That can be achieved without SMS protection.
Current SMS protection is an extremely childish method.

How so?

How so?


The truth is that users like you should be kicked out, not the average user.

Except I am the average userā€¦

I get that youā€™re mad, but why are you taking out your frustrations on a fellow player?

Iā€™m not doing anything but stating basic facts and pointing out misconceptions.

You are actually more annoying than the Smurfs.

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Why, because Iā€™m pointing out misconceptions you may have or just stating simple facts?

Because Iā€™m asking you to explain your statements to get a better understanding of where youā€™re coming from or to explain how things you claim can be achieved can actually be achieved?

Iā€™m not the enemy here. Iā€™d appreciate it if you would stop treating me as such.

This problem is also destroying potential new users.
Also, skin collectors like myself will permanently lose interest if I canā€™t play from day one.

You just donā€™t understand what we are talking about.

Because youā€™re smug. You act like you know everything, you get offended in an over-dramatized fashion at even the littlest insult, and youā€™re so sure of yourself that when someone starts to question your logic you deflect to statements like ā€œwell I am just stating facts!ā€ like thatā€™s a sacred cow no one is ever supposed to talk about.

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Iā€™ve been playing Overwatch since day 1. I am also a cosmetic collector and have practically every cosmetic from Overwatch unlocked.

I dislike how I wonā€™t be able to get every cosmetic in the game in Overwatch 2 unless Iā€™m willing to part with a lot of money because of how theyā€™re locking cosmetics in the Battle Pass or just straight up selling them in a store.

I greatly dislike the fact that Blizzard let Overwatch die in order to work on a sequel that no one asked for or needs.

I also greatly dislike the fact that Blizzard let smurfs take over the game (specifically talking about Overwatch on Xbox here) and did nothing to stop them.

I dislike the fact that false reporting was (and likely still will be) a thing thanks to the fully automated reporting system in game.

I dislike the fact that Overwatch will no longer be playable come the release of the sequel (but I can understand thatā€™s most likely because they donā€™t have the resources available to support two live games at once).

As a tank/support main (and that was only through necessity since, before role queue, no one else ever seemed to switch roles!) I dislike the change to 5v5.

So I can absolutely, completely understand what youā€™re talking about and where youā€™re coming from.

That said, I can also see when people are just straight up not realising that, while they may have paid the purchase price for Overwatch, they donā€™t actually own the game. They were granted a licence from Blizzard to play it upon purchase.

I can also see when people are not realising that Overwatch and Overwatch 2 are different games, and so their purchase of Overwatch is completely irrelevant when it comes to being able to access the sequel.

I point these things out not to be a troll or to be smug or anything like that, but simply to try and open peopleā€™s eyes to the facts of the matter or to try and clear up misconceptions they may have. More often than not, though, it seems that people would much rather be toxic or resentful towards me as a result when, like I said before, Iā€™m not the enemy here. Iā€™m an Overwatch player, just like you.

Itā€™s just like how you hounded me about the way I came to you about stuff.

Itā€™s all about the presentation.

You donā€™t present yourself like this. I can perfectly understand what youā€™re saying here, and I feel your pain. And I know what itā€™s like to see people spreading misinformation all the time.

But also remember they arenā€™t doing it to be evil. People criticize a game because they care about it. They donā€™t want to see the good things go.

Saying Blizzard wants to stop smurfs is one thing. But when it becomes a counter argument to legitimate concerns about not being able to use oneā€™s phone, it doesnā€™t look good at all, and it gets repeated over and over again. Sure - youā€™re right - thatā€™s the intent (or at least, itā€™s marketed to be, anyway) - but it just trades one problem for another, without even really that much assurance that the original problem will be solved.


At the end of the day, ask yourself whatā€™s more important: Getting rid of smurfs and cheaters, or letting millions of players stay?


I canā€™t decide that for you, everyone definitely has their own opinion about that and itā€™s quite a polarizing issue.

But me personally - I just want to play, and I donā€™t even really play PVP that much so I am quite removed from the smurfs problem to begin with.

But I also do believe in playing fair in multiplayer.

So yeah - I really canā€™t decide that for everyone. I am not the right person to do so.

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I am not the same as you.
Are you not able to SMS authenticate?

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Oh, I know my answer, but I want everyone still reading this thread to answer it for themselves. More importantly, I want Blizzard to answer it.

I mostly just replied to you to add to what you said at the end of your last post

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Numerous times people are reported for just picking a certain hero. Granted, the bans dont work that way, but the act of mass reporting because someone is raging about another personā€™s pick shouldnt be allowed either.

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Clearly whatā€™s important to Blizzard is getting rid of cheaters for the millions who will be playing Overwatch 2.

I think youā€™re over-estimating the number of players that are unable to register a phone number with SMS protect and under-estimating the number of players who can.

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I still remember that time a T500 Torb player got banned for playing Torb.


I never said you were.

I am, but then Iā€™m not in the US.

Yep, Fuey500 I believe their name was.

They were lucky because theyā€™re a streamer they got the ban reversed.

Other Torb mains were not so lucky. I can attest to that first-hand.