Defense Matrix activated! Fortifying gameplay integrity and positivity in Overwatch 2

What about those of us that don’t have smartphones? We can’t play a game we’ve already bought (or were gifted) and own?


They could have set up a system where you can only purchase with an authenticated account.
As you can see from the Battle Pass plan
They seem to want the money now.
They don’t think about the future.

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The other part of this besides blizzard trying to purge the user base and monetize the rest, is that this system will be used to force players to play per the same tired herd mentality (meta), or get booted.

Half the time I ever played this game I was just testing out random crap and ideas I had to see if they worked. I had way more fun doing that than playing the same tired deathball or whatever the current meta was. But now if you try anything else, you are effing banned. That’s even if you make it past this horrendous SMS monetization scheme.

This may be the single worst decision I have ever seen a gameplay company make in terms of impact on loyal userbase.

Good lord it just keeps getting worse the more I think about it.

Also - bless whomever it was who reminded me of the mute function so I don’t have to read comix’s inane excuse making.

And to the guy who said that these are “public” servers. No they are not. Not legally. Every server is “private” from a legal standpoint. It’s akin to a place of business, though that does permit Blizzard to set their own rules. However…it also doesn’t prevent us from calling them out for how utterly stupid they are.


Sounds about right. Won’t change anything tho.

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You bought/were gifted Overwatch, not Overwatch 2.

Overwatch is being shut down and replaced by Overwatch 2.

Many aren’t making the distinction that these are 2 separate games. Granted, yes, accounts are carrying over from the original to the sequel, but they’re still 2 different games.

It sucks, I know (as I would’ve hoped that we could still play Overwatch 1 as well after the sequel releases), but that’s the facts.

So it’s “just an update” when people complain about a product that they paid for getting deleted. It’s an entirely new game when they need to justify gating owners of the game they deleted from continuing to play the game they bought.

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From the moment they announced that Overwatch was getting a sequel in Overwatch 2, it was always an entirely new game.

The fact that it’s essentially the same game with some changes is where referring to it as “just an update” comes from.

So why exactly do we need this on top of the authenticator app?

Also, when will companies clue the in that SMS IS NOT SECURE.


False, and it wouldn’t have been if Jeff stayed, but I don’t blame him for even a second for leaving this crappy company.


It’s not false at all.

Nothing about it showed anything to the contrary. Even the name itself, Overwatch 2, means it’s a sequel, not an add-on.

We can’t know that for certain.

listen, we need to talk here blizzard. the phone number thing, i am fine with it. the whole needing it to be post paid. its gotta go. to many people have pre paid plans. for example, most of the USA uses cricket. and considering that a good percent of players are probably kids and some other people just cant afford a the post paid plan. and i dont like the idea of going into games knowing someone can see a transcription of what i said in a sarcastic tone and not know its sarcasm because its on paper and not in speech. the intentions are well. the execution of them could have been better. fix the phone plan to work with any phone and maybe remove the listening into voice chat thing.


With the same maps and players and skins. Just some news ones like we would have gotten with the original had they supported it.

Sure, technically it’s a new game, but everyone knows people like me are getting screwed.

Why is it fair that some people get to transfer and others can’t?

I can’t even buy the game, that’s not the requirement.

And no the 50-100 limit for new accounts doesn’t get to piggyback with the bans for you to say it’ll work.

You can have one without the other. You conveniently forget that.

You also forget that many people will still have tons of fun smurfing and cheating within that 50-100 limit.

There’s also no reason they can’t even compromise such as

  1. Have SMS for rank only
    -Literally I NEVER play ranked matches.
  2. Longtime accounts say silver and up are grandfathered

This also isn’t just OW2, it looks like it’s also Call of Duty and basically all of Blizzard’s games.

How anyone can support this is amazing. Not inclusive. Not fair. Not going to work. Morally and ethically wrong.

Then they market it like it’s a good thing.

On Oct 2nd, the BFFA of Blizzard will commence the first Overwatch2 purge.

Unleash your rage on smurfs and cheat during this day where all non-post pay phones are legal to be banned.

Just remember all the good the purge does

If you’ve watched the purge, this is literally the digital version of it.

Someday they might change the requirements again, and it might be you and your account in the crosshairs.

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I’d play against nothing but smurfs if it meant I could still play.

Sadly others support people being prevented to be able to play because they are dumb enough to believe it will somehow stop it. That and they’re selfish and take the game way too serious.

Discriminating against 50 million or so Americans for the type of cellphone service they have is A-OK!

This is why it’s such a joke.

In law, it’s better for 100 criminals to be set free than imprison just one innocent person.

Instead, people want to be hardline against ‘smurfs’ and ‘cheats’ using everyone else’s account as cannon fodder. It doesn’t affect them, so no problem.

No one should support this.


Oh, I don’t disagree that much of what we’ve seen so far is likely content we would’ve gotten in the original had the continued to support it instead of letting it die. Believe me, that’s a sore point with Blizzard for me!

But, it’s still a sequel and thus a separate game. No sequel is ever 100% all new content. There’s always some connection between the original and its sequel.

It’s definitely not fair. I never once claimed it was.

The 50 wins/100 match limit for new accounts absolutely can and will piggyback with potential future bans. It doesn’t need that piggybacking, though. The 50 wins/100 match requirement alone will be a big enough deterrent to all but the most die-hard of smurfs.

I’ve never claimed it would get rid of all smurfs so no, not forgetting that fact at all.

I would agree with this to a certain degree. Thing is some of the daily/weekly/seasonal/lifetime challenges they’re implementing have requirements to play games of Quick Play or Arcade, and I certainly don’t want to have to endure playing with/against cheaters in those modes.

I have to disagree with this because I know of plenty of players with smurf accounts that are actually quite high level, so such a move would just mean they get a free pass to continue cheating and griefing in the sequel.

I wouldn’t be surprised at all if it’s a company-wide mandate.

I agree that it’s not inclusive and not fair, but I do believe that it will accomplish what it’s setting out to do, and that is reduce the number of cheaters/smurfs/griefers/trolls in game.

I still can’t believe people are willing to trade 50 million potential accounts, and likely millions of accounts

To not play against smurfs and cheats.

Hey Blizzard, can’t you have a section where they are? I literally don’t care about playing against smurfs or cheats at all.

Create a new section, where people who don’t care can play. I mean that as in, you have the same level of protections as the first Overwatch.

Then let the people taking the game ‘so serious’ have their fun little perfect chamber.

I just want to play.


Bravo - well said. Right down to the last word.

This is how it should’ve been handled right from the very beginning.

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Thing is, Blizzard care about cheaters in their game.

They’ve made it clear they don’t want them in their game (smurfs included since smurfing is cheating) by implementing measures such as SMS protect in an effort to reduce the number of cheaters in game.

I can’t see them relaxing those efforts in order to accommodate a certain section of non-cheating players impacted by the efforts because that would allow cheaters back in as well.

I thought the whole point of the Overwatch 2 overhaul was PvE anyway? Sure cheaters might be a problem there but they’re nowhere half as big a deal as they are in the PvP section.

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For those who already have OW1, the watchpoint pack is the product to get the benefits of 2

That’s one reason for it. It’s not the only reason, though.

The pack also contains Overwatch for those who don’t have it already, and it also includes a bunch of Overwatch skin unlocks, again, for those who don’t have them.