Defense Matrix – Driving Positivity in Overwatch

If your interpretation of that article was “We ban people for cheating based on being reported” then it doesn’t sound like you actually read the blog post.


Let’s see what this is

“fair is fun”
It would be nice if the term be used also for playing game agians people 2 or more ranks above you… that does not sound fair in ranked.


This part made me chuckle because I don’t believe it

Voice chat update

In many cases, players don’t realize how they communicate to their teammates can be disruptive and immediately correct their behavior after receiving a warning.

People who are verbally abusive don’t care or when you tell them about it they don’t believe they are. It’s like telling someone that has a drinking problem that they are an alcoholic. They just lash back at you saying they don’t.

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That’s literally what they do LOL. So clueless it’s unreal…

They mentioned using hardware as a way to gain an unfair advantage, so hopefully theyre working on ways to prevent cheating on consoles in the form of xims, strike packs, etc.

Well, no.

You can still report throwers, cheaters and flamers with the report system, and you won’t get banned if you don’t flame them.

Removing the report system would just turn the game into an unregulated toxic pit of tarturus like Rust or Rainbow 6.

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Yea you also seem to shoot the net a bit too wide, since im a victim of an unjust cheat permaban and support ticket system is still very useful as ever…“We have thoroughly re-investigated your ban appeal and our punishment will be upheld, within minutes” ring a bell? Never used cheats never grouped with cheaters knowingly, never got a suspension or warning apart from leaver warning when i hunted for ecopoint KOTH map in QP, yet i have a perma on my 7 year acc. with 1000+ scrim hours in customs and several years worth of being in several teams.


I don’t understand why people would want to cheat in this game. It just seems so boring to me to have the computer win for you.


It literally is not.

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Playing in a group is one of the best ways to play Overwatch

Okay. where did the Looking for Group go? deleted without any explanation :man_shrugging:. What happened to the “we are hypothesizing a clan system”? Zero info and mentions.

Now explain it to us or we won’t make any use of this statement. :triumph:

It feels great to win games and develop your skills on different heroes, and soon, we’ll be introducing new ways for you to perfect your skills with your favorite heroes and reward your progress!

If you mean modes like Bob & Lifeweaver… I’m very much on board with this approach. it was a great trianing to learn this hero. :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:

With Lifeweaver entering Competitive Play next week,


Can’t you instead wait until there is a week with lifeweaver having received the rework on the keys of the primary / secondary fire? It makes no sense to put him in competitive if he is a hero that is about to receive a very important rework from a management point of view. :sweat:

If you encounter anyone using any heroes’ abilities to deliberately disrupt your game, you should report them as soon as possible.

and how to determine an overly touchy player who thought poorly of the gameplay of an inexperienced person or who made a mistake on… 10 matches in which he was good?

You can still provide additional information which helps us identify the problems from the disruptive player, as well.

A personal question: I’m Italian, but must my report be in English to be taken into consideration or can I use my native language to have the same level of consideration?


In the short term, we’re doing this by trying out new Competitive modes each season.

For a new competitive mode, please make a mode where killing an enemy playing your hero bans that hero for them for the rest of the round. Sounds petty, but it actually would open up a ton of new strategies on top of normal OW gameplay and inspire more improvisation in team comps.

It would also make natural rivalries within each match. Anytime you see someone with the same hero as you, there’s extra reason to pay attention to them.

This is great and all, but I’d really appreciate if the dev team would do something about those who weaponise the reporting system towards players who are simply having a bad match and not doing as well. This is exactly what the avoid as teammate button is meant to do and the first thing that springs to mind for most players is along the lines of “Report that player they’re throwing” when they’re clearly not.

I appreciate this, but the console community feels very left behind when it comes to community moderation. Many feel like their reports on console don’t ever do anything because we rarely ever get the feedback screen. Additionally, while the same types of cheats and hacks available to PC players cannot be used on console, that does not mean cheating isn’t possible on those platforms like many try to pretend. Ximming and other 3rd party mouse and keyboard extensions continue to be a huge issue at high levels on console. It would be great to hear the overwatch team say literally anything about this, especially now that other games have started to implement xim detections.

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I feel like I have been heard. Fake news or not, still a good initiative.

I agree that they should start supporting native mouse and keyboard on console and sort matchmaking based on input device. Unfortunately Xim users would still be in the controller pool, and a xim detection system would need to be put in place regardless. Luckily some other companies have started to do this.

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The current system basically promotes toxicity. If someone is doing poorly, it’s a report. Never mind the fact that the person not doing well might be someone who didn’t even belong in that lobby because of their garbage matchmaker.


Did they mention anything about XIMs and 3rd party softwares?


A lot of nothing new in this wall of text.

we’re doing this by trying out new Competitive modes each season. As we look to the future, we’re looking for new ways to teach players to develop skills with their favorite heroes.

Nobody plays or cares for these modes. Stop pretending that you are doing it for the players.

If you encounter anyone using any heroes’ abilities to deliberately disrupt your game, you should report them as soon as possible.

Threating people with bans for trolling after designing a hero with insane troll potential. I have no words.


“Foster Overwatch 2 to be a safe and inclusive social experience.” This includes implementing systems that detect, discourage, and prevent disruptive behavior, while also encouraging players to be friendly and positive with their teammates and opponents in every match.”

REMOVE CHAT WITH THE ENEMY TEAM THEN! You’re asking for the impossible to happen by assuming these immature children can somehow behave themselves without harassing others during or after a match. That’s the only way any of us can play in peace. YOU DID IT WITH WOW, HOTS, AND HS SO DO IT FOR THIS GAME!