Debunking The "But It Isn't a 30$ Emote!" Argument

Well, if we’re dispensing with being polite, I find you to be over reacting, selfish, and absolutely childish.

Blizz isn’t stupid, and they know darn well what happens if they crossed that line. Its also helped that despite the memes about Blizzard, they genuinely care about the consumer.

That people are acting so much to this makes me shake my head in disappointment.

not that i give af about league or the emote…but…

does this not seem like something EA would do?

That or they have loads of disposable income

how does a vanity item hurt the game?
how does blizz doing what they said they were going to do hurt the game?
blizz has run the most successful mmo of all time by not doing the shady crap that the other companies do. your just mad that PAYING OWL FANS are getting something you dont have acces to unless you pony up.

[Moderator Edit] This topic does not seem to be going anywhere, its the same back and forth arguments. If you would like to have a discussion about this, its fully welcomed. But this is not going to be allowed.