Debunking The "But It Isn't a 30$ Emote!" Argument

(Oh boy, another controversy, time for me to jump in it!)

Okay, if you haven’t seen yet,Blizzard has very recently tossed in a legendary Lucio emote in the Twitch All Access Pass. This isn’t okay to do so.

Now, yes, it IS a 30$ emote. Why? Because if you’re the average person, that’s all you’d want! Trying to boost sales by throwing in something that is not relevant to every other item inside this (still overpriced) pass.

(This is a conparison that isn’t mine, it is from somebody else on the forums, and this person says it well) If you want a 50$ headset, but the only way to get it is in a bundle of a video game, charger, and a controller too. This means the bundle is 200$, while you only want the 50$ headset. You’d be paying 200$ for the headset because it’s all you want.

Since sales are not good for the pass (why else would they add this in?) they are marketing it to people that might not even use Twitch or watch the OWL, so all they’d want is the emote for Lucio.

Let us also note they add this 2 weeks before the season ends, so anybody unknowing would have to buy it TWICE to have the emote for a long time.

So, considering people that don’t care for the OWL or can’t watch it (I’m so sorry, Europeans) they would literally be paying for the emote! (and some skins they’ll never use because they don’t care about the OWL.)

Throwing this emote into a limited time, expensive pass, in which the emote has nothing to do with the rest of the pass (which would want people that don’t care about the pass, OWL, or Twitch to buy it, thus paying 30$ for the emote) is a terrible, scummy business practice in order to boost sales.

I urge everybody to not buy it, and give Blizzard your opinion on this. They think because we liked it with Pink Mercy we’ll like it with something twice as expensive and that only benefits them. I, for one, do not want this to become normal in any way, and if we don’t be against it enough and buy it, Blizzard will do this more.

This isn’t okay and it paints a grim picture for the future of Overwatch cosmetics.


Indeed, value is subjective. If all you are buying the pass for is the emote, it is $30 dollars. If you do not even remotely want the emote whatsoever, the emote is $0. That is literally the point of a bundle, they expect you to want something, or multiple things, and buy everything at a “discount;” however, as this is EXCLUSIVE to the pass, there is no discount and you are forced to buy content that you will literally never use if you want the emote. Or, in other words, to buy the emote it costs $30. It is really simple stuff that I can guarantee the white knights fully comprehend but ignore because they love Blizzard.


It’s also very late in the season and unless I am mistaken it’s just for this season.

This isn’t a case of oh your going to get a decent amount of usage out of the other stuff if you want to and might grow to like them this is, you blink and it’s over.

The pass also really would benefit from work on it’s mechanics rather than emotes. I suspect most of the users would rather be able to see player POV than to have a Lucio e-mote.

Finally, doesn’t the $ from the pass go to Twitch?

Personally, I’m curious if the emote was planned long term or if it was content that was moved from lootboxes to twitch to help settle an issue.


so what? this is a stupid argument.

If I buy banana split from an ice cream parlor that cost $10 dollars because I want the banana that doesn’t mean im paying $10 for a banana.

no that means you got a video game controller headset and charger.

You only used the headset.

they announced it to show the OWL pass holders they were getting more stuff.

uh what? They announced from the beginning that OWL pass holders would be getting exclusive in game loot throughout the season for buying it.

no its them coming through on their promise from the beginning to give worth while exclusive loot for being a pass holder.


Those items should be league specific, the Lucio emote isn’t. Us being ok with this WILL green light them into thinking its ok to try this later with something worse. Unless that’s whats you want.


name one reason the lucio emote shouldn’t be league specific. Saying “because everyone wants it” isn’t an excuse.

Skin collectors want all the OWL skins too, but they are for OWL supporters

sorry but they announced they would be giving exclusive content to OWL pass holders from the beginning. They said it would be worth the money. People chose to ignore, and now they are upset.

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And if you’re European or can’t watch streams/don’t care to?

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If you don’t care to watch the streams, don’t buy the pass. Don’t buy the pass, don’t get rewarded. It’s simple.

As for time zones, Blizzard can’t control that. So don’t buy the package.

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I lived in japan for 3 years and stayed up late to watch my favorite sports, if you aren’t making time for it it probably didn’t matter to you.

This is meant to be something exclusive for OWL supporters and fans. Whats wrong with that?


The league starts at 12-2am for myself, I have to get up for WORK at 7:30. How on earth can I watch it even If I really want too?


watch the vods?

I had to work in japan too, and I recorded games I couldn’t stay up for.


People argue that “it isn’t the same.” Just a heads up.

Watching them after they have happened is totally the same thing :rolleyes:
Just think of all of the stuff that will be greenlit if this succeeds.

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Let’s be honest here: those who buy All Access for other benefits than the emote already bought the pass. To the rest of us it’s just a 30$ emote…


It isn’t designed as such, it ties directly into his lore and color schemed to match his basic skin. Nothing about it screams OWL and that’s the issue, if it were an emote clearly designed to promote OWL then sure, go nuts. I don’t support the league so wouldn’t have a say in it. That’s the issue here though, effectively this is locked behind a paywall(a very high one) for people just wanting the emote and nothing else.


The emote isn’t required to play the game.

Sure, if I want to compete in a competition of who has the swaggiest hats, then it might be worth complaining but core gameplay is still the same.

The rest are pure cosmetics.

This is the most hilarious thing to me. The in game loot is one of the main reasons I have the pass, because I knew there was gonna be some good stuff in there. (The other half was paid chat, because regular Twitch chat is deep fried cancer that STILL hasn’t stopped with their TriHard 7 nonsense).

The fact that people didn’t know this and is pretending like it wasn’t a stipulation just confirms to me that it’s just something people are complaining about because they haven’t had a good complain in a while.

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So are you just going to ignore the blatant anti-consumer move being made, because “it isn’t required to play the game”? You let this slide it will be something worse later, as proven by every scummy game company thus far.


You want real crap? Take a look at EA.

This is nothing compare to what other companies do, that people are complaining about this makes me wonder how naive you are.

Edit: Its like half the forums just lost their minds and forget about the things Blizz did for the community already.

I am laughing so hard right now because I was one of the guys who told everyone that they were just testing the waters with pink mercy and using charity as an excuse and everyone fell for it and defended their scummy idea only to be butthurt now.

Guess who is to blame for their ballsy-ness?