Deathmatch is dead

I’m only getting “Waiting for players” lobbies, or when I do get a match, the exact same people over and over.


Is this… Surprising?


cool that mode shouldnt exist anyway


? Every time I go into one while waiting for queue to pop it’s full of players. Talking console EU here.


They really would need to rebalance tanks in that mode to make it playable. As is, there’s no point


Maybe folks got bored of the Roadhogs or Widows >…<


Mode used to be kind of fun and good for warm ups as long as you didn’t take it too seriously, but tanks kind of ruin it these days, in my opinion. Namely roadhog and the dive tanks.


“NotToxic” :dove::two_hearts::two_hearts::two_hearts:

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Everybody ends up going tank.

The passives a d the balancing ruined the fun in that mode as well as Reaper can’t do anything to the tanks save for Winston.

I haven’t touched the mode in a long time


And support. Mercy can’t even GA in it.


Mercy should be able to ga to enemies in dm, not sure why they haven’t done this, would be fun and interesting.


It might be because of all the report abuse that seems to be going on there. That’s why I stopped playing it, before they get me too

Deathmatch Hogs make my eyes roll into the back of my head, but I LOVE seeing Widows. They’re super easy prey for me on LW

That’s a shame. It used to be one of the best modes in the game. At least until they superbuffed tanks.

“These days” ? :[

Theyve always been annoying even in OW1
I didnt personally… .care… but a lot of people complained about it in OW1 as well

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The mode is fun, but currently it has a serious problem, the tanks, this has been happening for a while, in my case it was a mode that I enjoyed playing as a warm up but it’s not even useful for that anymore, it’s not fun, you enter and you run into a Roadhog head on or a Ramatra in his nemesis mode running towards you…no thanks.

Blizz has to do something with the tanks in this mode, otherwise this mode will definitely end up dying like you say.

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considering the mode used to be pretty popular, yeah it is

I didn’t mind them much in OW1. They were annoying, but aside from hog, they were beatable. Most of them kind of sucked and got blown up.

OW2 tanks on the other hand are basically designed to win any 1v1 they get into with a non-tank. Hog is also way more of a menace post rework, nothing really beats him 1v1 now honestly.

The mode is significantly worse now. But it’s whatever, I dont exactly expect them to do anything about it.

Why would people queue for deathmatch when they can queue for QP and just have a better deathmatch experience? 5v5 is deathmatch. Just ignore the tank until the least second.

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Why play Deathmatch in Arcade though when the entire game is now deathmatch-oriented… ?

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And if you do role queue you don’t even have to worry about 3+ enemy tanks in the lobby like you do in DM.