Dearest forum user, regarding the "Big Surprise" you're all waiting for

Cool little surprise: blizzcon sombra skin available in game/ for purchase

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Plot Twist: Its gonna be in a lootbox.

But you can use in-game currency to purchase it!

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Id just enjoy another base lootbox update

If it rids of the gambling mechanic? I would love that too.

jeff said little not big

The forums took it as a big change.

Dammit… I was absolutely ready for Overwatch Puzzle Brawlers.

You mean that game where you switch block positions and clear them?

The one where it would be exactly Puzzle Fighter without copyright infringement. Yes.

Well, more drop and match color gems to make bigger ones for the breaker gem to clear and throw timer ones at the opponent in accordance to the characters drop pattern, to hopefully overstack the other player.

… I just miss Puzzle Fighter and the mobile reboot Capcom made and deleted.

I’m worried Acti-Blizzard is gonna become the new EA

Where do you guys keep getting this “Big” surprise from?

He said “Cool little surprise”

I remember that. Yes, it was a shame. Puzzle League had a Tetris vibe going on. But that doesn’t stop me from playing the originals.

They already did when they announced Diablo Immortal for mobile gaming, with no intentions of bringing it to PC.

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