Dear tank please

Kindly stop feeding.

With love, signed your supports.


go try to play tank and get fun…

you will feel how the enemy team dont let you play the game… contantly changing to your hardcounters…

and sure… i will not pick a 0 skills hero like orisa/mauga


Lol ya know the funny thing? I actually made like a tank appreciation thread about flexing and switching to help your tank and how I helped my tank and team win the game by flexing to different heros.

It became such a negative crap fest it was ridiculous, I wonder how this one will go if it gets attention.


i thikn that the problem is not about win or lose… is about gameplay experience.

the game should not be balanced just around hardcounters


Dear supports, go in with me instead of standing 10 miles away. I need your help. Sincerely, your tank.


Supports also gotta take special care of their tanks. I wouldn’t wish tanking on my worst enemy.


But but whos gonna hard pocket the Phawa all game?


One game, a Reinhardt player started whining in team chat that we weren’t following him into their spawn, where they have a very clear LOS of him. It was the Busan map with the walls that move up and come down around the point so yeah. We were winning and he proceeded to throw the next round too. It was really stupid.

Dear tank, we are winning anyway and we have all the space, we don’t need to be standing in front of their spawn and feeding to lose a team fight for nothing. Sincerely, the DPS and the supports.

BE THE BALL that is all

Lucio, just play low

When your tank is in their spawn. If your team doesn’t follow up, he’s feeding. If your team follows up and spawn camps, it’s a valid strat.

Up to the team to decide if tank is feeding or not. Sometimes they just need 1 more guy to go in with them for the rest of the team to follow.

You’re going to lose 100% if your tank giga feeds into their spawn without backup. You at least have a shot of winning (and a shot of demolishing the enemy and assert your dominance) if you follow up with your tank.


on that map, it’s suicide to be sitting in front of their spawn because they have perfect sight from invincibility. That’s just ridiculous, and he knew it.

Mercy can grab the Pharah if you have a Mercy. Otherwise Pharah has to make due with Lucio heal aura or a Zen orb. I’m stealing Ana, Bap, Kiriko whoever you got for myself.

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Tank player here that swapped to support after s9 dps passive. Healing is irrelevant in ow. Support are dps with utility. The team whose support has more dps usually beats the team with more healing. Quit hanging in the back scared expecting to be carried without taking any adverse risk to make a play. Flank. Feed. Play aggressive. Take more fights. Trade. That’s ow support. Your healing isn’t doing anything so quit crying and make a play


Until it doesn’t, yeah. It happens.

You gotta play support like dps hero that heals sometimes. If you just spamming heals and lose with the most heals in the lobby, it’s your fault. You got to help get a pick. Instead of blaming the tank get in there with him and focus fire.

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practically impossible. also not playing mauga or orisa so stop asking.

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Dear support please, stop DPSing when your tank is critical.

Are we feeding or just trying to play the game?

optimum tank play is currently whimper behind cover and wait for the enemy tank to try to make a play and then if you are lucky kill a DPS/support before hiding again.
If that doesn’t work you both stay in spawn and keep counter swapping until overtime.

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It was a Mauga, wasn’t it?

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