Dear Solider players

Please, when support crawls around you and whines for healing - it´s for YOU to put out your healing thingy for us.
Believe me, you are hero in our eyes, when you do that :heart:


Do not worry, I got you covered. You ain’t even need to ask.


Before the healing passive I used to run long distances to get to a support or the other dps to heal, but with the healing passive it’s not as necessary any more.

I will run after a support to heal them though, and put it down in a brawl to give my team a little bit of an advantage.


It is a good feeling being able to heal other team mates with Soldier’s heal cola. That said, I tend to use it to help myself get out of tight spots, so if my supports are counting on me for it? Well, more often than not they’re SOL lol

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My heal is almost always on cool down, I tend to put it out as i come out into the open, If i wait until i need healing i die

Daddy’s home


Note: It’s possible your support says “come to me for healing!” if they actually need it themselves

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