Dear Mercy Mains

I think Mercy is more than fine, I also think she didn’t need the last buff but whatever, I take it.


The buff and other changes to supports helped her balance-wise but none were intended to address her - mainly Valk’s - design issues.


I really like it! I think the only thing i’d change with Mercy rn is valk, cause going from 55 to 60 for an ult feels kinda underwhelming. Maybe 65 or 70 hps? and maybe a faster rez in valk? i’d like to see it in experimental at least. Mercy’s most powerful part of her kit is her damage boost anyways imo, esp in valk, so as long as that’s still important in her kit, I’m happy


I’d like to see what you arguments you have about Valkyrie’s design issues.


Absolutely broken. Mercy did not need a buff- a nerf is required, if you ask me. She’s more than broken and doesn’t need buffs.

I personally think power should be taken away from healing and shifted to damage boost. 35 hp/s would be strong, but not overly broken. 70% damage boost would allow Mercy to pocket DPS, which is her main purpose.

tldr: Valk covers way, way too many skills deficiencies of Mercy’s already shallow skill pool, It’s too forgiving and lacks room for player expression, it’s a design issue, not a balance one.


I just want her QoL changes.
Valkyrie no longer breaks beams on activation
Hybrid GA setting
Weapon swap speed increased
Other than that, shes in a good spot. The 55hps doesn’t do alot, but it’s better than nothing ig.
My only dream changes for her is for damage boost to give more ult charge to Mercy, and for her pistols bullets to travel faster so it actually feels consistent.


I think having her heal a lot less would be way worse. Zenyatta’s Orb of Harmony has 30 HP/s but is able to provide other forms of utility and can damage as well. Mercy won’t be able to heal while also doing other things. 70% damage boost is… just crazy… I don’t know if you’re being serious or not :laughing:.

Literally nobody did ask you. The original poster clearly asked for opinion of Mercy mains…

I am being serious, and if you disagree then you are wrong.

He is a troll, just check through his other posts.


Mercy’s biggest issue is resurrect. It does theoretically have the power to sway a match, but there are so many factors involved that you can go minutes in a match without using the ability that takes up so much of her “power budget.”

Someone has to be dead out of line of sight of enemies for two seconds for you to cast resurrect successfully without dying. It can be interrupted by CC or getting booped out of range of the soul (and you can walk out of range too despite the “rooting” effect if you rez too close to the edge of the soul bubble)

If I had to choose a buff for Mercy specifically, I wouldn’t buff her healing back to 60 hps. She feels much better with 55 than she did before. I would make rez better to use. It is entirely too easy to punish and cancel, it roots Mercy in place for nearly 2 seconds, and it goes on a 30 second cooldown whether it succeeds or not.

They should cut the cast time to one second, reduce the slowdown, make the cooldown 15 seconds if the rez fails, or increase the radius that she can resurrect from. If her “power budget” is going to be tied up in one ability, the ability should actually be useful in more situations and less punishable.

I also think her ultimate is kind of boring, but that’s for a different post lol

I played mercy for 1 hour and 27 minutes during season 18, so I think my opinion is more than valid.

It’s okay, trolls will come and go you just can’t do anything but ignore them.


It takes 9 years to heal a tank instead of 10 years, yay! #reworkmercy

I think her healing still needs to be increased, but only for the tank pool. The rest she heals just fine with 55hps!

You have a point on having an ability that requires some thought process that has a very long cooldown timer and is difficult to pull off. An ability in the support role similar is the Immortality Field. It has a shorter cooldown and is very easy to pull off and sometimes provides more value.

And no, you have all the right to mention reworks or if you think her ultimate is boring. Do you reckon bringing back Resurrect as an ultimate? I wouldn’t mind that if they do make it weaker and I actually have some suggestions for it. By all means mention any things you disagree about. :slight_smile:

How would you actually rework Mercy? Let us know and see how well we can tune our ideas.

That would be an interesting take on her healing. Maybe you can suggest some changes on her and see if we can discuss our ideas! Also, are you Aria Rose? :laughing:

I think she’s fine.
Maybe increase her healing in ult by 5 too or (as people like this suggestion) increase it heavily during ult for the cost of duration which could also work.

Immortality Field is also situational since the cooldown is long, so you wouldn’t want to use it too thoughtlessly, but you can almost always get value from it even if you use it at the wrong time. Resurrect is all or nothing; you use it and it goes off and you get 100% value, or you use it and it fails, you get 0% value, but you’re still punished with the longest cooldown in the game.

As for Valkyrie, I think it’s just… meh? All the power in it is stretched out for the duration instead of being concentrated in burst. While it does make her mobility and offense better, it really just doesn’t serve much purpose other than to inflate her healing numbers more. It’s not powerful enough to outheal any ultimate or burst damage, you can’t increase her healing anymore than the 5 extra hps that it adds, and it no longer makes rez better either.

Valkyrie is just a super lackluster ultimate that doesn’t counter anything and doesn’t add anything to her playstyle. I would be fine with them condensing Valkyrie into a 6 second ultimate and making her healing beam, damage boost, and resurrect much more powerful as a result.

basically this.

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I think the issue people have with mercy as mercy mains is the fact that resurrect has always been a controversial ability in overwatch.

I think what most mercy mains including myself want is for mercy to actually have a place in overwatch. She just doesn’t fit in the current 2-2-2 balance of overwatch like her healing is consistent with no burst to make up for ten fact that she has an undo button that more like suicide to use in the middle of a fight

She is outclassed by all otehr supports who have a special role and she’s just meh. The only reason you’d use her on the team is for pocketing a pharra/ ahse / echo or use her on a map with lots of high ground (gibraltar numbani etc)

even then she almost always has to paired with a main healer to work and even then you’re missing out on extra utility for the sake of consistent healing / damage boost

Mercy has lost her identity. She once was a main healer but now her identity is always tied to someone else wether it be pharra / ashe / echo

She’s just an accessory now, and in my option the 55hps buff didn’t make her a main healer again but rather simply strengthened her pocketing playstyle

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