Dear LGBT players

You appear to be comparing OP’s post to standard copy paste LGBT posts, of which always get heavily flagged simply for spam or other reasons.

People covering different aspects of the same topic offering their own viewpoint isn’t spam. If that were the way people viewed spam the 90% of the posts going over the same heroes would have been flagged. And it’s not as though this were a highly original post either, there have been many made about a similar viewpoint, so what makes this not spam?


Covering different aspects is okay.

Continually making post after post of “I just feel like LGBT needs to be more in this game” like every other LGBT post, then it’s spam.

It’s gotten so bad that 4 or 5 have been locked, only to be instantly re-started on a new topic in the past 24 hours.

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But continually saying “Forced diversity is bad” over and over again in different threads; that’s fine? Even though OP already made a similar topic to this that already got locked down? That’s not spam?


Continually saying forced diversity is bad while arguing a point isn’t bad.

What I’m saying is that you see so many LGBT posts with a body of 1 or 2 sentences and no merit to them. That’s what I think isn’t fine.

Also, the topic that OP made that was extremely similar to this was back in April (and it got locked in april). So it’s not spam.

GayCowboy and ShadowDragon’s threads have been continuously closed down due to community flags and hateful activity from people besides themselves despite the fact that they each argue their points with several paragraphs of well thought out discussion from their point of view. Not every LGBT+ thread that gets locked down is because it’s “copy pasted” and you know it.


How many stupid ‘nerf Genji’ or ‘Tracer and Genji OP’ threads used to be all over these forums? How many ‘I quit the game’ threads, which are completely pointless, do we see cropping up? How many ‘smurfs are ruining the game’ or ‘these people shouldn’t be in comp’ or ‘one-tricks should be banned’ threads? We’re not going around shutting them down because it’s been said before… so why are LGBT threads different?


I never said every LGBT post. I said

Talking about these:


This is the most 2:1 argument that just keeps getting thrown around like it means something.

There’s a difference between spamming controversial topics that keep getting shut down, locked, deleted, or start infighting around it vs starting new discussions that almost never, if at all, get locked or deleted.

It’s like if you take a candy away from a toddler because he’s the only one that got some and instead of just dealing with it, he goes and take some new candy out of the bowl.
You said they couldn’t have it but instead of them knowing they couldn’t have it, he decided to go and have a new piece that’s also going to cause them to start fighting


But in my response to OP’s question, them with their snarky “But what about tolerance uwu?”, I say that the same thing happens to even those posts about LGBT+ characters that are not spam, that are not spiteful.

You also see dozens of cookie cutters “Nerf this hero” “buff this hero” etc etc with no thought put into them at all, and yet for some mysterious reason, they don’t get flooded with flags from the community for being spam.

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I mean, they get ignored and die like the bad threads they are…

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So we should just stop voicing our opinions if people spam these topics with flags even when they don’t deserve them?

If only people opposing LGBT+ threads were as capable of ignoring these topics they’re not so fond of instead of riddling them with flags for no reason

Maybe because they actually have discussion behind them? Maybe because it’s actual game related and not just politics?

IDK about you, but LGBT doesn’t have much, if any, discussion behind it and generally causes fights. While balance has much more discussion and next to no full out fights.

And now you’re taking me out of context. Great.


So people spamming the flag button and incorrectly reporting threads cos they don’t like LGBT stuff means that people should just shut up? The reasons that more threads appear is because the old ones get shut down for no good reason. People are creating the so called ‘spam’ by preventing discussion of the topic for those who have a genuine interest in it.


Everyone has their right to oppose whatever they want. Don’t try silence your opposition with that.

LGBT topics are a double sided flamewar and you know it, its just both sides pestering the other here.

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And that side is?

Let’s be honest here, the LGBT side has been less tolerant towards me and a few others here.


Like I said, its double sided.

Nah, there’s a whole lot of rank shaming and people telling other people their ‘balance changes’ are stupid and they should just ‘get good’, it’s not a peaceful and intelligent debate. Plus, this doesn’t address threads like ‘I’m leaving the game’ or ‘one tricks should be banned’ (when Bilzz has already offered an official stance on one-tricks).

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People aren’t going to be accepting of arguments that argue against them for things out of their control?


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Yet whenever I report these kinds of posts, nothing gets done. Why is that? If it was truely false reporting, they wouldn’t get removed right? The comments would be cleaned up and the post wouldn’t get removed.

Also, It’s annoyingFrustrating how you respond to me twice instead of all together once.

It feels like your arguments are being broken up to make sense in as little context as possible and I’m not really a fan of that so please stop? I’m getting double notifications from you guys and it’s not very entertaining.