Dear god now the matchmaking is very frustating

Nope, it’s just as bad in any mode. I play OQ and had half my matches last night have players who had Top 500, GM, Master, or Diamond Challenger titles. While maybe ONE person on my team was a diamond calibre player (my groupmate), and a diamond Moira in one match. I get that SR and MMR are unrelated, but it certainly doesn’t feel that way to me facing off against and, more often than not, getting rolled by these players. I don’t get annoyed or frustrated with the game easily, never to the point where I just want to shut it off, but last night came really close.


Yeah everyone’s games right before they win their 7th match are impossible to win. Then the mmr chills out and goes back to normal. And then you place 2 ranks below where you were in ow1 cause the placements are just weird and quirky like that.

This is exactly what I think is happening right now. Especially if you queue All Roles to get your weeklies done.

I’m being thrown into games that have nothing to do with my MMR at all. I need two more wins but I called it a day after I saw my Reinhardt falling off a cliff two times in a row because he didn’t know he could cancel his charge… Every single QP game is an absolute mess.

Playing this game is becoming a frustrating experience, something has to change in the next couple months if they want it to stay alive.


Ooof, that is… yup that’s really rough.

In that case: I have no idea why the matchmaker is so god damned awful, but they’d better fix it if they want to keep people around.

I am in agreement with you here. Frustration and challenge are two different things, but blizz can’t distinguish between the two apparently.

I’m unsure if you do or not, but what I have noticed and I dont get into ranked comp and all that, but mind what day/ night / times you are playing, like say for me if I play on a weekend I get better teams and games than during the week.

just an observation that I have noticed.

Take care

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Yep. Matchmaking was atrocious on launch, got WAY better for the last week of S1 and the first 2-3 weeks of S2. Then they clearly started messing with it again, and holy f*** it’s hard to imagine it being any worse.

No matter how far my rank drops and how well I play, the matchmaker is hell-bent on making me the one expected to carry bad/offrole teammates against players on main role and blatant smurfs


I’m pretty familiar with what it takes to get a job as a developer. The hiring team has to like you, but more importantly you have to play a game of stump your peers and do fairly well at it.

“IT” these days isn’t about solving problems with the simplest solution so that the next people will understand what you did, and so that your solution runs efficiently. “IT” these days is about making solutions that demonstrate to your peers that you understand complex things. Ideally, your peers won’t understand what you did. They will marvel at all the technologies you saddled your employer with having to support, and all the buzzwords your gigantic solution ticks off.

There will be a test. You will have to demonstrate that you have studied, and you will have to write code in an environment that is potentially unfamiliar to you, while they watch. It will demonstrate none of your problem solving abilities or your ability to organize and understand a complex problem. But falter on it in the slightest and a twenty-two-year-old is going to recommend to his management that you are useless.

Ideally, the matchmaker is the product of one person who is able to fit the whole problem in his head and solve it concisely and elegantly, and document what he’s done so his replacement understands it and doesn’t have to start over. But more likely, the matchmaker was developed by a team that has conflicting coding practices, none of whom fully understand the problem, and their solution is a mess. But I’m sure it impresses people with its complexity.

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It may explain the fast queue times. There might not be enough players for balanced matches so the MM is just putting whatever rank it finds versus another whatever rank it finds.


And you know the worst thing … Blizzard expect you to have infinite patience with dudes that belives that Lucio is a healer … people that think that Lucio main role is healing or people that can´t fight a genji in middle of 4 teammates … is incredible how much crap you have to resist to play the game

Yeah I always thought it was weird how dps queue times are always like 10 seconds now when it used to be way longer that we needed passes.

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A lot of the new players don’t have a concept of regrouping. They play it like cod where they just run in after respawn to “do dmg”.

Good luck positioning on a highground as hitscan. Your team will run ahead die before you get a shot off and the moment you get poked you need to jump down and hide to wait 10 seconds for heals. Since most noob supports both pocket the tank all game and only “heal up” DPS once they wait for it in a corner for 10 seconds spamming “need heals” with 10 hp, instead of supporting them while on highground.

Impossible to carry teamfights that never happen.

Yeah i think people are overly analzying and complicating this issue way more than it is. Its not a complex coding issue. It is all deliberate, on purpose and calculated.

Blizzard doesnt show their players numbers and as this is now a f2p endeavor it must always show that it is booming with players, “35 million players! It is so successful! Go and try our cash shop! Everyone is playing it!”

Longer queue times would make people start questioning how many players are left. A dwindling playerbase isnt a good sign for whoever wants to spend some money on the cash shop.

But if you make the queue times to be super fast by pairing whatever rank with whatever rank, yean you get complaints about match quality but it is better than complaints of “dead game” for the f2p future of the franchise.

To sum up: “bad match quality” is a better complaint than “dead game” in blizzard’s eyes. Too much queue time searching for the right rank would evoke the later complaint and that is a no-go for a f2p game.


someone yelled at our lucio earlier telling him he was a healer, like he kinda is, but not like they wanted.

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I observe 3 types of matchmaking. I see it so often that it can be by accident. I suspect it is by design. The first is how I feel it should work; hopefully it does work this way sometimes. The 2nd and 3rd type I wish would go away.

  1. Well matched. Placed with a team and against a team of similar skill range. It is CHALLENGING game play. maybe we win maybe we lose, but the game is challenging, fun and worthwhile.

  2. Matched on a team pre-determinded to LOSE. The scoreboard is incredible lopsided. Often we have 0 elims.

  3. Matched on a team pre-determinded to WIN. Seems like your team is awesome until you look at the scoreboard and see it is incredibly lopsided. It is the flip side of scenario #2. But you have won. But it is not fun.

I’ve heard that Blizzard wants its players to win 50% of the time to maintain the fun. I suspect that scenarios 2 and 3 are in place to ensure that. While this seems like a good idea. I propose it is not. Those easy wins are just as much not fun as the hopeless loses. And are a waste of all our time.

If I am correct and matchmaking scenarios 2 and 3 are actually in place, please Blizzard, consider removing them. Don’t placate us with these meaningless predetermined WINs.

I want a challenging game, win or lose. It should feel difficult. A well played, challenging game will be satisfying even if we lose. I want scenario 1 for matchmaking. I don’t want free wins, or the subsequent free loss that goes with handing someone else their free win.

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I wish there was an intro tutorial to explain how not to NOT stagger. You have to pass a test before you can play with others.

Or maybe add “stop staggering” “reset” to the preset voice comms. Or change “regroup” by removing the “with me” I just want the noobs to regroup with the team, not necessarily me.


Yup, the MM is at it’s worst. If I win one the game will do everything in it’s way to make lose the other two or so. And I mean, tanks with 0 kills in one round and difference between dps’s like 20 enemy /5 Mine…

This is exactly what is happening; it serves to hide just how few support players there are right now.


They might as well make a “No wins allowed” challenge because that’s the only realistic one you can earn because of this onesided garbage.

The game prioritize K/D to every single role so if you can’t kill some and die less you will have a hard time climbing. I have no idea why such calculation is applied to supports but you either grab a premade with VC or face hell.

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The player base seems to be immature enough that they are fine with wins, any way they get them. Two DPS and a tank chasing down a fleeing support? I consider it unsportsmanlike, and since it’s gotta be unchallenging, you’d think they could let it go. But nope, not only do they enjoy it, they’ll then GG and EZ and TEAM DIFF.

I wish people enduring boring games would complain, but how often do you actually see that?

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