Dear god now the matchmaking is very frustating

Yeah I always thought it was weird how dps queue times are always like 10 seconds now when it used to be way longer that we needed passes.

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A lot of the new players don’t have a concept of regrouping. They play it like cod where they just run in after respawn to “do dmg”.

Good luck positioning on a highground as hitscan. Your team will run ahead die before you get a shot off and the moment you get poked you need to jump down and hide to wait 10 seconds for heals. Since most noob supports both pocket the tank all game and only “heal up” DPS once they wait for it in a corner for 10 seconds spamming “need heals” with 10 hp, instead of supporting them while on highground.

Impossible to carry teamfights that never happen.

Yeah i think people are overly analzying and complicating this issue way more than it is. Its not a complex coding issue. It is all deliberate, on purpose and calculated.

Blizzard doesnt show their players numbers and as this is now a f2p endeavor it must always show that it is booming with players, “35 million players! It is so successful! Go and try our cash shop! Everyone is playing it!”

Longer queue times would make people start questioning how many players are left. A dwindling playerbase isnt a good sign for whoever wants to spend some money on the cash shop.

But if you make the queue times to be super fast by pairing whatever rank with whatever rank, yean you get complaints about match quality but it is better than complaints of “dead game” for the f2p future of the franchise.

To sum up: “bad match quality” is a better complaint than “dead game” in blizzard’s eyes. Too much queue time searching for the right rank would evoke the later complaint and that is a no-go for a f2p game.


someone yelled at our lucio earlier telling him he was a healer, like he kinda is, but not like they wanted.

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I observe 3 types of matchmaking. I see it so often that it can be by accident. I suspect it is by design. The first is how I feel it should work; hopefully it does work this way sometimes. The 2nd and 3rd type I wish would go away.

  1. Well matched. Placed with a team and against a team of similar skill range. It is CHALLENGING game play. maybe we win maybe we lose, but the game is challenging, fun and worthwhile.

  2. Matched on a team pre-determinded to LOSE. The scoreboard is incredible lopsided. Often we have 0 elims.

  3. Matched on a team pre-determinded to WIN. Seems like your team is awesome until you look at the scoreboard and see it is incredibly lopsided. It is the flip side of scenario #2. But you have won. But it is not fun.

I’ve heard that Blizzard wants its players to win 50% of the time to maintain the fun. I suspect that scenarios 2 and 3 are in place to ensure that. While this seems like a good idea. I propose it is not. Those easy wins are just as much not fun as the hopeless loses. And are a waste of all our time.

If I am correct and matchmaking scenarios 2 and 3 are actually in place, please Blizzard, consider removing them. Don’t placate us with these meaningless predetermined WINs.

I want a challenging game, win or lose. It should feel difficult. A well played, challenging game will be satisfying even if we lose. I want scenario 1 for matchmaking. I don’t want free wins, or the subsequent free loss that goes with handing someone else their free win.

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I wish there was an intro tutorial to explain how not to NOT stagger. You have to pass a test before you can play with others.

Or maybe add “stop staggering” “reset” to the preset voice comms. Or change “regroup” by removing the “with me” I just want the noobs to regroup with the team, not necessarily me.


Yup, the MM is at it’s worst. If I win one the game will do everything in it’s way to make lose the other two or so. And I mean, tanks with 0 kills in one round and difference between dps’s like 20 enemy /5 Mine…

This is exactly what is happening; it serves to hide just how few support players there are right now.


They might as well make a “No wins allowed” challenge because that’s the only realistic one you can earn because of this onesided garbage.

The game prioritize K/D to every single role so if you can’t kill some and die less you will have a hard time climbing. I have no idea why such calculation is applied to supports but you either grab a premade with VC or face hell.

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The player base seems to be immature enough that they are fine with wins, any way they get them. Two DPS and a tank chasing down a fleeing support? I consider it unsportsmanlike, and since it’s gotta be unchallenging, you’d think they could let it go. But nope, not only do they enjoy it, they’ll then GG and EZ and TEAM DIFF.

I wish people enduring boring games would complain, but how often do you actually see that?

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Imagine caring about winning in a coinflip game about collecting skins.

Because even original developers were stupid enough to prioritise killing everywhere. Play of the game was usually from killing too, so you couldn’t have play of the game without kills, unless everyone were awful at making kills.

That’s what you get, when you praise “blurring lines between roles”, instead of allowing each role to excel in their own thing.

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POTG really comes from televised sports where you have an after game show and have analysts who can try to go and show where the largest pivotal moment was.

In OW, they have to do this automatically. Everyone already knows that many nuanced plays happen that lead to other things happening that can never be captured by a computer.

So, the system has to default to something and most often the biggest momentum shifts in the game happen slaying stuff. Mercy used to have a ton of potgs either during mass rez or her early Valkyrie era. It got toned down and I think rightly so. Stalling a point isn’t always a big deal and usually getting the kills secured is easier to program than trying to add in a bunch of situational checks.

Even the ult denial I’m surprised gets POTG at times.

Then why have it in the first place, it only encourages players to prioritise wrong things.

The biggest reason I enjoy POTG based around kills is a very clear way of showing cheaters. Even for cheaters on your own team since you can’t even see the kill cam.

The POTG will expose you for any blatant cheating to the entire audience. The match gets reported by a few people. If its more than one its worth the time to bring in humans to scan the game to take any action.

I just find it dumb, as it encourages completely wrong things. You protected your support? Sorry, it’s not important, look at that guy making 2 kills instead.

Team-based games supposed to encourage working together with your team, but such things do opposite.

Imagine, for example, that two DPS are effectively working together to get those sweet kills. Only one of them will be rewarded for it like that, so DPS have strong motivation to do everything in solo - otherwise someone else can steal their reward.

Singling out any player in team is easiest way to dismantle said team, in “this guy did important stuff and what everyone else did wasn’t important” kind of way.

This just sounds like the idea of ‘staggering’ the enemy team. If you get a 4 person kill, then can confirm a kill on a support 10-20sec later that’s a HUGE HUGE advantage into the next fight.

(A) Enemy team needs to wait for the support to respawn giving your team that duration to push payload/card/point/etc. for free. This is really the best thing to do that you don’t really see until like plat or higher I feel.
(B) The enemy team tries to start a fight 4v5 down a player. Being a player up means you might get a kill on that enemy team making them go 3v5. The staggering begins in earnest. This is like the worst thing to do.

A lot of support players really need to learn that rather than trying to escape just flat out die faster. Walk into the enemy team. Jump off a ledge. Reset, dont’ risk the stagger game.

No, I would rather let my team die, than die myself :smiling_imp:

When your team tries to use you as sacrifice/bait, turn it around on them.

That’s honestly the best option in a few situations. If I’m Mercy and I can see we are fighting 2v4, I’m going to leave ASAP because I have no mobility without allies and a 2v4 is really a bad set of odds.

Oh, I might try to stay kind of close is the other person is trying to escape as well to heal them on the escape and hope the enemy team chases too far forward. If they stay, I let them die. Don’t try to prolong the fight and get them to stagger. Don’t rez them. Reset with team and minimize on feeding.

Now, if it is in overtime, you commit and hope for the best. You should die in a 2v4 fight, but you have no choice except try to stick it out.