Dear admins: 2 posts unpinned?

Unpinning an educational thread over how to use the forums is a big yikes.


They could have a backup plan or it could be a mistake who knows?

Apparently according to the one who created the HTML thread, the thread was unpinned multiple times, hmmmm :thinking:


But overmoji was unpinned once?

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I don’t know honestly, I never seen it get unpinned and we have no clue what was the reason this time. /shrug

Did people actually care about the cafe? It was only a low budget ow discord server

I used the html tutorial a bit, because I can never remember that stuff.

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I sort of agree not everyone will use it but I felt the HTML guide was still important.

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There was so much disclaimer in this post that I’m having trouble discerning what it’s actually about. ;~;


I added this bit right now as I agree what you’re saying xD I just feel like some people look at my posts differently then how they’re supposed to so that’s the reason of the disclaimer

Because everyone is gonna jump the gun about how Blizzard can do whatever they want with their forums and “stop complaining”.

Blizzard could always do whatever they wanted. And they chose to pin these 2 threads. Why did they choose to unpin them now?

I’ve never liked pinned threads, and I approve of their reduction. It makes the forums a lot neater.

Someone literally still said that even with the disclaimer they’re like “Its blizzard’s forums”

I know :woman_shrugging:

I’m starting to hate doing these disclaimers but even when I do people never read them

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Feels weird to split down the middle of a kana… but it’s a good name, and interesting explanation! (And lot more unique than some around here… cough myself cough lol… though to be fair when I entered this years back (a) it was far less used in the gaming sphere, and (b) I was only thinking of Greek mythology and it wasn’t a reference to anything in gaming culture…)

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True but some helped alot

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With what, precisely?

The html one

That did not satisfy the question. With what was it helpful? If your answer is with HTML queries, this is nothing that cannot be ascertained without a 30-second long Google search. If this 60-year-old can figure it out surely you millennials can keep pace without clogging the forums with pinned threads.