DC when playing Junkenstein Revenge

Same as last year i get about 3 disconnects during Junkensteins Revenge. The first one always comes when the The monster comes ( roadhog) i dc and comes to the loading screen for about 20 sec before i enter the game again. usually about 3 times but sometimes more… Never happens in any other modes. and it’s hell of annyoing. can really only play normal/ hard… Same every year… is there a way to fix this?


Alright now that multiple reports of this have come in i’m going to say to keep this as a main thread, if others make a thread about this issue redirect them here so it can be archived within one thread.

I’m pretty sure it’s related on Blizzard their side but i don’t know what would cause this, sorry.

It keeps happening to me as well. It usually starts when Mercy appears and then 2 more times after that.

But what annoys me is that it happens on all arcade games and I am frozen, disconnected, connected again and standing in the same spot when I froze (unless they’ve killed me, then I am in re-spawn).

ye i saw that there were others but im pretty New at this forum thingy so i just made a New one , hope that is okay. i think it must be since i don’t have any other problems. . only this game mod. thanks for the info anyways.

It’s fine no worries, there is nothing bad that can happen. I hope we can get alot of replies on this topic with other people having this issue too.

yea… i hope so too. it’s a shame cuz its so fun and i can’t Complete it :stuck_out_tongue: have tried about 10-12 times now on legendary but it’s no use … 1 dc and we’r dead :tired_face:

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I’ve been experiencing this for the first time since this year’s event began, I hadn’t had it happen before. It only happens when The Monster appears and I get kicked out to the main screen for about 10 seconds then I reload back into the game and it has happened every single run of Junkenstein’s Revenge.

Same issue here. Third year this has happened to me. After one of the cutscenes everyone will start running in place and then I’ll be back at the main menu for a few seconds before I’ll rejoin the same game. It happens during the archive event too. I just wish this year there would finally be a fix for it.

It never happened when playing on my desktop which is running Windows 7, what OS is everyone else using? My laptop which is getting the DC error is using Win10

Happens here too. Windows 10. Some of us get the inactivity warning for a bit, even though we’re active, and then we get kicked.

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Late here but I’m getting it aswell. If there’s a fix I haven’t found it yet. Were there any updates on this?

I’m having the exact same problem. Right as roadhog comes out I freeze then get disconnected, only to be reconnected to the same game at least a full minute later.

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It seems like a lot of people are having the same problem with the Junkinstine’s Revenge arcade mode. @deveolers please address this and try to find a fix.

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Glad to know i am not the Only one


Hey everyone if you are disconnecting in specifically PVE modes like Junkenstein’s Revenge, first check to make sure to see if you have a Netgear branded router. If you do, please check this guide in the technical support forum.

Looks like this is still a problem with Junkenstein’s Revenge 2 in Overwatch 2. I was booted from the game four times during one session. It kicks you out to the menu screen, but everything is locked as if it is loading you back it. Then, it plays the opening voice line from the entire scenario and you pick up where you left off. Still not fixed after all of these years.

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Yeah i have the same problem, which sucks tbh because i think that the event is pretty fun but i feel like i’m making my teammates lose

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same, happens to me, blizz please fixxxxxxx

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