Day2 Message to "A Designer" about testing Sym as a Support

Dear “A Designer”,

About around 5 months ago, you said you were working on testing Sym as a Support/ Healer with some new ideas.

Now recently we heard you are testing Doomfist as a Tank.

What ever happen to Sym?

Or are you planning to release Doomfist and Sym role reworks at the same time?


A forcibly retired Sym Support Player.


Microsoft explorer, that you?

That said a long time ago they tried a support sym and then dropped the idea as it didnt work.


Not the most recent one, Goodman was trying again.

And yes, I am over 30.

I personally think that a Tank rework would be far more fitting for her character identity.

I hope they consider this direction as well.


I am not sure why some people want Sym as a support - do you think she would be more viable or improved in some way?

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Maybe they just really hate sym and want her dumpstered worse than she is now.

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A return to form would be nice. Her kit as been altered in so many awkward ways that she could use a return to form. Especially if she is going to compete with all the changes.


I think she can be, but the player base is basically half and half about the whole deal.

Saw a vote between 65% (Support) and 35% (DPS).

Could end up being a Genji/ Hanzo sitution when they used to be one.

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My guess is that a lot of Support players with weaker aim skill, really got into Symmetra 1.0 because her primarily fire was similar to Mercy beam.

Also typically, Supports are greatly appreciated in a team comp, where as Symmetra players are often socially outcast for their hero choice.


Personally I would like to make her a better dps, but to each their own.

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With forced 2/2/2, and later 1/2/2, would you really want one of those 2 slots taken by a sym?

The answer is no.


goodman said he might consider doing another pass at support sym…not that he WAS doing another pass…

key difference between doom and sym i think is they havent tried him as a tank before…whereas sym they have…which i think moves sym into the “thinking about it but might never get around to it” camp…just cause of necessity


What would a return to form be like. Sym 1.0 or 2.0?

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Honestly was already a support Sym main before I heard about her Austim. (Reminder I have Asperger’s which is a form of Austim.)

Which doubled my interest.

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Sym was only a support before because she granted shields, and even that was miss-labeled, she was 100% defense hero.


How would you rework Sym into a support?

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I don’t really have any strong feelings one way or the other. Just wish Symm players could make design posts that communicate the bulk of the design idea in 10 seconds.

Rather than the typical 9 paragraph post, that never seems to get to a point besides they are upset.

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I can think of a couple of ways. (Mostly involve healing in some way, like her Ult grant healing to those next to it.)

But with no full picture of the future.

I will have to let Geoff decide.

Maybe somewhere in the middle. Frankly I liked her passive shield she could give to teammates originally. Also a return to her nature as a builder would be nice. Maybe something that gives her teammates information, have her turrets also give vision like hanzos marker arrow but in a smaller radius? Instead of a shield generator have a placeable healing station, so like the reverse of Orisas ult. keep the teleporter as is.

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Here is the 10 second or less sym design.

Dont make the primary charge, have it do consistent damage, midway between uncharged and full charged right now, have it then do bonus damage to shields.

Make the secondary charge and travel a little faster to put it more in line with the rest of the projectile heroes.

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