Day 366 of the Mercy rework, and it's still the most complained about thing on these forums

Same balance team would come up with the next rework, and most likely the same people would program it.

The recent nerf brought her way down and allowed other supports to get play time, while not making her a throw pick.

I disagree. Big and dramatic reworks are bad for the game, at least in my opinion.

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yet we’ve had what four in the last year? 3 of which were massive failures
and yeah, they nerfed her healing to be a horrid experience to make room for an ability no one likes using

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That’s true. Rez used to be something that Mercy mains loved to use, but the enemy team hated. But now it’s an ability hated from both sides

Yeah, and you say that we need more reworks.

well yeah, no other way to fix these disasters unless you’re willing to do reverts instead

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My favourite part is that Valk as an ulti was initially in the alpha and then taken out because they knew it was the wrong way to go. Seems to me that adding something back in that was removed pre-gold release, something that clearly wasn’t a good idea seeing how it was pulled, is not the way to go. I mean…they ultimately chose mass rez over valk back then for a reason, nu?

Anywho, at this point I would love to see them just bring back fun and non OP Mercy. If that means rez has to go period, I would be more than willing to see the potential options for what would fill the void rez would leave behind.

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Bastion has 541 days, wait your turn.


Not hivemind. Hard numbers, better than anything you have to offer. Shoot, I don’t even play Mercy.

The game is far away for being balanced. Mercy rework was forced because of the Overwatch league. imagine mass Rez during Overwatch league finals? Bye bye billion$


Most spammed on the mega thread sure but im pretty sure the brig/doom hate is much stronger.

Wait, 366 days since the rework? I thought the rework was this year?? Whaaaat
Yikes how bad is my sense of time D:

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Im not sure mercy being brokenly op for a year was healthy for the game or my sanity at all?


Really solid rework



Can Sym jump the queue please?

It’s tough to answer that really but logically speaking, Mercy 1.0 was a game changer, a way for people to keep that team fight going and was very heavy on the decision making process, it felt impactful, having the flow of the game in your hand (just like Reapers Ult, Genji’s, Hazno’s ETC.). Then we get Mercy 2.0 and she was just a glorified healing machine and her rez was put onto E, by popping valk and flying in and then getting out to start healing it was Mass Rez but with only 2 rezzes, but got us into healing not just 1 person but all that were grouped together. People want Mercy to be impactful, Mercy V1 was and is far superior to Mercy V2 which made her this OP monster.


You missed the memo. Only pros/OWL are allowed to have fun in this game, and we get to have the bread crumbs.


if you are still playing you are a possible revenue

They do not care if you are not having fun.
As long as players are spending they are happy

I can’t believe it’s been over a year. I was in love with this game just before they announced her rework and now… Meh. I feel like they failed all of us and at one point they stopped caring.


I’m pretty sure other solutions (including some of yours) have been posted in the mega threads but with out any other iterations of the character that Blizzard said we’d be able to try, mass rez is the only thing we can fall back on where we’ve had actual game play experience.

If Blizz gave us some other things to try we may all be surprised.


OP? What lol, she was troll pick before Invulnerability patch during Mass Rez. The main tip people gave back then to win as Mercy was, “Press H and switch to another healer.”
If you couldn’t pull of your Mass Rez or kept dying to flankers, she was practically useless, not exaggerating and the main tip people gave back then was, “just switch to another healer,” even after invulnerability patch.

If Mass Rez Mercy was OP then that means Mercy now, is absolutely gamebreaking, especially at the first patch when Valk was introduced where her pick and winrate were absurdly high.