Day 366 of the Mercy rework, and it's still the most complained about thing on these forums

Why can’t Mercy mains think of any way for Mercy to be fun that doesn’t involve multi-rez?


Because most Mercy mains insist that the only way for her to be fun is to revert her, and that will not happen.
I’m sure there’s a ton of support mains cheering that they won’t have to play Mercy all day long.


i think they should remove aoe healing from valkriye

single target 80 hps heals (up from 50 hps aoe)
single target 40% damage boost

choosing which one u heal / boost in valkriye sure will make her more fun

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I don’t want multi-rez if they can’t make everyone happy with it. I want a Mercy who rewards investing time into the hero

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Mhm, because the rework failed. And we’ll keep spreading the word until we get Mercy back as a fun hero. :slight_smile:


So much this. Ive invested so much time into learning Mercy, and now no one can even tell because we all play exactly the same. After a few hours on Mercy you kind of just generally get the idea of her. There is no depth to her current kit.

Moira may be considered an easier support, and with her you have so many decisions to make, same with Reinhardt and S76. Mercy has no decision making, its all straight forward overtime impact that wont turn the tide of a game.


Yup, I’m honestly starting to agree with the “no difference between a bronze and GM Mercy”. Sure, there’s awareness and healing prioritization, but really nothing special. There’s almost nothing that a good Mercy can do that a bot can’t

I wanna be able to carry with Mercy, not because she’s OP, but because I’m good with her


Stop blaming the Mercy community.

It’s been beyond apparent that the devs did not listen to them.

Everything that has transpired here was due to the choices the developers made.


Day 366 and still no avail to satisfaction for everyone. Every nerf the Mercy community has said will break her and here she is still sailing strong.

This is by far my biggest annoyance with the Mercy community. The dev’s are well aware of what you think, and have been careful with her nerfs. They are doing something with her and they simply don’t think of your feedback as correct.


Valkyrie wasn’t what was OP about 2.0 Mercy. Having Rez on a cooldown was. Valk is a glorified ability, and can easily be nerfed down so it fits on a cooldown (3 seconds of free flight and extended beam range on a 15 second cooldown or something). Valk by itself is not strong, and never was.

They actually aren’t. They physically aren’t reading the feedback.


the hive mind feedback.

I’d argue that both of these statements are untrue.

They never read any significant portion of the mega-threads.

And I feel her changes have been sloppy, made to appease whiny DPS players with little regard to the Mercy player and their experience.

“Fun” only seems to matter when you’re a DPS player.


This is why I hate the Mercy mentality. It’s so “It’s their fault!” Based on how repetitive and self-righteous the mega’s are I don’t blame them.

Tell me why


Of course, Genji and Tracer mains are super happy with the meta.
Or DPS mains that don’t like Hanzo and Widow.

The “appeasing to DPS mains” statement is just not true.

They are very aware. It’s impossible to not notice thousands of threads in a year.
And they have been careful. Otherwise it wouldn’t take a year to balance her.


Mercy 1.0 even with mass rez was a D list hero who only saw good play numbers cus her competition for her role was Ana who was floundering in a meta that hard oucntered her AND had a super high skill floor.

Mercy 1.0 needed buffs, hell that’s exactly why we got the Invuln and the 60 HPS buff in the first place.

sof if suggestions go back to this time, usually most idea’s I’ve seen actually hard nerf mass rez with not only no invuln but also a cast time on top of the guranteed death for a 5 man rez.
So yeah she’d need buffs and a new E ability is the best way to go about that.

And what about we don’t bring mass rez back ?

They were careful until about January then they gave up and hit her with the sledgehammer that removed all impactful feeling that was left.
and somehow the fact that she survived that wasn’t evidence to blizzard that she needs a god damn rework

Right, and she was still the single best support for half a year more, even after they stopped being careful.

They are not reverting her, and I honestly don’t think that reworking her over and over again until it works is the way to go.

They don’t need to rework her over and over they just need to give her a single rework that wasn’t thrown together by someone who was coding something intentiaonlly OP to giggle at while they bug test a map

I’m sorry if you think blizz should be able to balance this garbage but if she was able to survive sledgehammer nerfs with caution thrown to the wind, and now the only way to make room for an ability that spits in the face of one half of Mercy’s supposed “identity” is to nerf the other half then there is no way around it
they screwed up and now they gotta fix it, and Mercy 3.0 is the only saviour we can hope for