Day 23 of Junks trap damage being wrong

I am hoping he gets 225hp and powershifted damage into directs but I will wait and see what the devs have in store

I noticed within the first few minutes of playing him. The devs clearly didn’t even bother to playtest the trap changes. If they had, they’d have noticed.


Wait a minute they actually butchered his trap LOL

Lot of ow2 changes I like but this one sure ain’t it


you mean make him pharah

I don’t believe for a second that Kotick got so involved as to influence the buffs or nerfs of certain heroes. That’s the easy way out. That man is a creep and needs to go but he isnt an idiot. that would be like the President of a Hospital telling a brain surgeon how to perform a Lobotomy .

If its true and they did. then we are all screwed

Don’t worry Toast, it might get patched in on Overwatch 2’s release.

Git gud (lol) - the only rightful characters in OW 2 are Ana, hitscans and Hanzo/Genji. :roll_eyes:

I don’t think so either? He’s just some nob who hurt dev time. To be clear I didn’t bring him up.

What’s with the hyperbole? It will have been tested. Bugs can come out of NOWHERE on anything sometimes. They made a lot of changes and things can easily fly under the radar.

Why are you acting as if this is an obscure, difficult to replicate bug?

It’s the base damage of an ability that was specifically changed. They didn’t bother to test.


How do you know it wasn’t fine in their playtests and going live caused a bug?
This build is different to the alpha build. THINGS. HAPPEN. Stop whining, it will be fixed.

Thats what the beta is for, if you want to make a differnce then make a post in the beta feedback area

Maybe they didnt test it much or its bugged… they have other things to do besides work on JR

you are just whining at this point

I’m very sorry that you dislike me pointing out that the devs are neglecting a hero desperately in need of changes.


I actually think Junk is pretty decent and underrated… with 1 less tank to block/absorb damage his big bursts are getting more use on squishy targets

man this is just objectively wrong


With 1 less enemy tank I’m getting away with a lot more M1+Mine combos

In OW1 when Rein/Zar are blocking 90% of your damage with barriers & bubbles a lot less damage goes directly at the squishies

Against good opponents he cant get close enough for this to be consistent due to how open the maps are, the loss of shielding etc. You’re just wrong.

There’s a reason why there isn’t a single high rank Junk main who thinks the hero is ok right now.


Well we’ll see where he ends up. The balance changes they’ve made during beta have already jumbled tier lists, I’d put Junkrat in B tier, not bad at all imo. The Soldier nerfs definitely helped.

pytheon please stop talking about junkrat, he’s not B tier.


He’s certainly not F tier. Are you playing against Top 500 players? Unless you’re playing against absolute monsters, you should be able to get decent value on Junkrat