Damage invisible players?

Is there a way to make it so you’re able to hit invisible players? maybe with ray casting or something?

I have not checked it yet but possible players within radius can catch them.
Sure you can always use players in slot(N) and check distance between.

What do you mean? Maybe I’m misunderstanding you, but you can damage invisible players. I made a boss battle revolving around fighting an invisible boss

Edit: One thing to note however is that abilities that automatically lock on to targets will not be able to find an insvisible player. For example, Torb’s and Symmetra’s turrets, Soldier’s and McCree’s ultimates, Moira’s right click, etc.

I’m trying to make a game mode where you have to kill a random player that the game picks, so I made everyone invisible because that’s the only way to hide the player’s name right now, but I can’t seem to hit them while they’re invisible, no hit marker, nothing.

or a random hero you mean?

Nope, a random player :slight_smile:

kill (players in slot(random integer(0, 5), all teams), null)


That’s not my problem, I’ve already figured out how to do that, I was just making my question more clear for Mornedil :slight_smile:

does it mean the problem is solved?

Nope, I’m still trying to figure out how to hit invisible players :slight_smile:

can you

damage(players in slot(0, all teams), null, 20)

on invisible player in slot 0 ?

do you mean it’s difficult to hit them because you can’t see them?

I solved that in my mode by creating an orb effect on the invisible player, making it possible to pinpoint their location

My bad, the game mode was deathmatch and I put the players in a spawn room thinking there was no invincibility there, lol.