Damage creep isn't real

So let’s give DPS more opportunities to do damage, and give tanks less chances to avoid it. Then claim damage creep is just a dumb rumor.

Look Blizzard, I’m a game developer!


I mean damage creep is real but its not coming from the DPS role. It is coming from heroes like Bap and Sigma. From comps like Orisa/Sigma with the increased spam. So while the damage role did not really gain damage, the other roles did and so the net damage in the game went up.

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Bap I can kinda see, but sigma?

Also no the dps are the highest dmg output, especially Hanzo and Mccree (and surprise surprise they buffed both and more)


Look, I know you want Bobby to hire you. You’re almost there, just missing one thing.

< points to ongoing harassment lawsuit >

Only one way to prove yourself to be part of the team!


even tho i am wary of the upcoming 5v5 change it will reduce incoming damage by a bit since one less tank. why they had that “in and out of combat” reduced healing mechanic. i hope they get rid of that or think of something else

Soldier, cree and tracer are the powercreep heroes among dps. They have very high pick rates. Other dps heroes don’t have as much presence. Coincidence? maybe

Bap also got massive buffs to his gun. Zen got damage buffs on non-discorded targets (like 20%).

Rein and hog got slight buffs to damage. Other tanks got nerfed.

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They said they want characters to die faster. Which includes boosting damage numbers up.

For example, I heard Ana now does 110 damage per shot in their last internal build

Soldier: 76

  • Pulse Rifle
    • Bullet damage increased from 17 to 20
    • Maximum bullet spread increased from 2.2 to 2.4

whenever talk about damage creep is brought up i always come back to soldier 76,
remember this iteration of s76 ? top dps in the game by far back in s3, current s76 ANNIHILATE this version, but no, damage creep is not a thing, pls hire me small indie company i’m cheap :slight_smile:


looked up ana right now and she does 70 damage per shot… what 110? thats two shotting people. so they want to make her the undisputed king of supports or something lol?

well maybe ill be fine with it if mercy blaster does x2 damage too. then maybe i wont be so upset of having to heal less with support

I’m assuming they plan to increase damage across the board

Zarya does far more damage now than she did 5 years ago because her average charge is far higher due to the changes they made to make that possible so your premise is already wrong.

As for Soldier he had 20 damage before but the reason he is only t2 now when he was t1 before is simply because the means to mitigate his damage is in the game in spades. This is not even an untested hypothesis. When we saw the OW2 gameplay obviously Sombra stood out, but you also noticed that with healing reduced and mitigation reduced the ability to do sustain damage was better.

However, this is an irrelevant point because you cant be crept if you have gone back to a level you were at shortly after the game came out. Cassidy is actually FAR weaker than his launch state (and his sniper state and his faster fire rate state) so clearly no damage creep there. Basically you just named some heroes you do not like and hoped that the label stood but it doesn’t.

Edit: I also forgot that Rein also gained damage and CC mitigation (which helps him do more damage) which is odd because I remembered loving those changes.

Edit Edit: Also DVA gained missiles. So basically from our original tanks, Rein gained damage, Zarya gained damage, DVA gained damage, Hog gained damage, and only Winston stayed the same.

I think they want to make characters more killable but not by increasing damage across the board but by reduced healing, less barrier uptime, etc.

Zarya does far more damage now than she did 5 years ago because her average charge is far higher due to the changes they made to make that possible so your premise is already wrong.

  • Power gained from barriers decreased by 20%.

  • No longer protects Zarya from knockback.

  • Beam width is now fixed at 0.15m. No longer scales with energy from 0.10 to 0.20m.

  • Max Beam DPS reduced from 190 to 170 (0 energy beam DPS unaffected).

  • Energy decay rate increased from 1.6 to 1.8 per second.

  • Beam damage now scales from 75-170 damage-per-second, down from 95-170.

As for Soldier he had 20 damage before but the reason he is only t2 now when he was t1 before is simply because the means to mitigate his damage is in the game in spades. This is not even an untested hypothesis.

Soldier has not been t1 ever until recently.

He had 17 damage before. His gun had spread before. His ammo clip was smaller. His helix had longer cooldown. His ult used to have fall off.

Do you live in a different universe?


It’s coming all the roles and from player behavior.

Hanzo too. Mainly in the form of Storm Arrow. His primary fire, not so much.

Every role has had some power creep, with the exception of tank barriers. Look through the history of the patch notes for most launch characters and you’ll see more buffs than nerfs. In any case 5v5 is going to rebalance the entire roster to where they want it to be, whatever that is. At that point it won’t be “creep” anymore, it will be a conscious decision to set the state of the game.

Ahaha forums have been actually funny today :rofl: Somehow through this absurd patch even those who tend to troll or only swing around their weirdo opinions have realized that the game has gone too far and united with the rest of the players :rofl:

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He was hard-meta in Season 2. During the Ana/triple Tank meta. The first time they buffed his damage to 20.


The dishonest way you presented that data, ignoring all the buffs and only focusing on the nerfs, makes me think conversing with you might be a waste of time when you will lie and try to con others. I will assume that you did not lie intentionally though and try again.

First, Soldier is not tier 1 right now. I assume again that you merely forgot but he was tier 1 back when he had 20 damage and triple tank soldier was a thing (the other 2 meta comps were triple tank Tracer and Quad Tank). If you are going to lie do not make so easily verifiably wrong. Right now he is tier 2 because the tier 1 DPS are Echo/Tracer (check leaderboards 5 of past 6 seasons if you doubt it) and Hanzo for tankbusting. Basically you are verifiably wrong.

Second, lets talk about Zarya, but before that I will do you a favor and list EVERY Zarya change with dates that has hit the ladder:

.5.0.2A - 11/15/2016

Particle Barrier

  • Power gained from barriers decreased by 20%.

Projected Barrier

  • Power gained from barriers decreased by 20%. - 12/13/2016

Particle Barrier/Projected Barrier

  • Attacks like Reinhardt’s Fire Strike or Hanzo’s Dragonstrike that deal damage to both the barrier and the hero within the barrier, no longer deal damage to the barrier twice.

1.8.0 - 2/27/2017

New Hero Option: Projected Barrier Sensitivity

  • Allows players to adjust Projected Barrier’s targeting sensitivity. - 2/28/2017

Particle Barrier

  • No longer protects Zarya from knockback.

Projected Barrier

  • No longer protects allies from knockback. - 7/27/2017

Graviton Surge

  • Now disables mobility abilities on all affected targets. - 8/9/2018


  • Drain rate reduced from 2 energy per second to 1.6 energy per second.

Graviton Surge

  • Radius reduced from 8 to 6 meters. - 3/19/2019

Particle Cannon

  • Alternative Fire’s explosion radius changed to 2 meters, regardless of energy level. - 9/17/2019

Primary Fire

  • Beam width is now 0.15 meters and no longer scales with energy.
  • Max Beam DPS lowered from 190 to 170. - 12/10/2019

Particle Cannon (Secondary Fire)

  • Explosion radius increased from 2 to 2.5 meters.
  • Ammo cost decreased from 25 to 20.


Particle Cannon (Secondary Fire)

  • Ammo cost increased from 20 to 25.



  • Energy drain rate increased from 1.6 to 1.8 per second.


Particle Cannon (Primary Fire)

  • Beam damage now scales from 75-170 damage-per-second, down from 95-170.

So when I call you a liar I think it is pretty obvious as to why. She started at a drain rate of 2 per second so being at 1.8 now is a buff. You also ignored every buff to her secondary fire because it did not fit your narrative.

Now between the buff to the decay rate and the increase in damage coming in due to heroes like Bap/Sigma existing it is not a surprise that the average energy of Zarya has gone up by about 15 since the game launched (again easily verifiable). Now with the beam width is not really a big deal here (aim better) and the changes to her max tend to make this a minor DPS buff, but when coupled with her secondary it ended up being a significant boost to her damage. Basically I will tell you the same thing I tell anyone learning Zarya: if you are playing Zarya and not gold damage you are doing something wrong so figure out what and fix it.

So once again for the original tanks who gained damage we have: Zarya, Rein, Hog, and DVA or 4/5.

Obviously you are intentionally being misleading and spreading outright lies. Hard to believe you are seriously believing zarya’s damage were a net buff (just factually wrong).

If I try the same tactics you are doing…

You ignore the fact that zarya went from one of the top tank picks to now bottom (easily verifiable btw). Her buffs to secondary fire are not really a big deal (dodge better). She does far less damage now than 5 years ago (again easily verifiable).

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