Damage boost only mercy

Was interesting i got this dmg boost only mercy in qp one match, it was in shambali, i have to say its both nice and tilting.

Like my dmg numbers and dragon frequency definitelt increases but at the end of the day, its tilting.

Got them again in another match a couple matches later in rialto, but this time i told our moira about this crazy mercy early and she healed us a ton, and some how we won, our tank was a bit weak too, but we survived and won.

It was challending fun and tilting at the same time LOL :rofl:

I asked the dmgboost only mercy her dmg amplified stats after second match they were like 2.7K dmg amplified.

Is it worth it ?

Is that a good stat for the cost.


If it was a 10+ minute game then definitely not because usually you get 2,1k -3k DMG amped in a 10 minute match by simply having 30% heal and 70% dmg boost beam usage
So if it’s their DMG boost per 10 stat, that’s bad
If it’s their stat for a match that was 10+ minutes long, that’s also bad
If the match was 8 minutes or less and it’s the match specific stat, that’s good but also…not worth it lmao

Seeing the 784 healing for what’s probably a 10 minute match hurts my soul.

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Let’s be generous here and say that the opposing Mercy got only 1k damage boost. Would you trade 10k healing for 1.7k damage boosted? I know I wouldn’t.

ya 10 mins 30 secs rialto qp match we were on defence we won 0-2.

Ya the before match on shambali it was 284 so they improved lol.

First time i was tilted but second time i wanted to see if we can make it work esp with the moira helping out a ton on heals.

I think it also helped their own mercy was healbot and only dmg boosted 112 when they had a bastion orissa torb, if she had dmg boosted bastion im pretty sure things would be different.

At the same time the dmg boost on us did get our ults faster, so there is that hidden impact.

Though i do think it was still overkill to only dmg, not sure its worth the pain our team went through lol.

It was interesting though esp the speed at which we got ults.

Yeah no, that’s bad then lmao
Probably has over 90% dmg amp beam usage and only 2,7k in a 10 minute match
That’s terrible

Most definitely
They would’ve shredded through your team LMAO

Definitely isn’t
I’m guessing that mercy was just a DPS accessory then and only attached her beam to one specific person, at least for the most part.

If i can get over 10k heals and 3k damage amped in a 10 minute match, getting >800 heals and 2,7k dmg amped in a 10 minute match is just kinda pathetic

The overall average dmg boost per 10 usually starts at like 2,1k so technically it’s good
Put in perspective tho and considering she didn’t heal
It’s :poop:

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Three digit healing, holy crap. I’m all for aggro plays and just killing stuff before they kill you, but yeah, this isn’t worth it :smile:

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Why? Why is it tilting? Care to elaborate?

No it is not…

That is a stat you would expect from a Mercy with standard 60/40 split… Assuming it was per 10 stat…

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Cause i was running around getting health packs while i had a blue beam attached.

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That is fair… I thought that second support got it covered tho :sweat_smile:

My bad.

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The moira honestly tried so hard she used fade to heal everyone lol.

She was more tilted than any of us.


Yeah I understand that… I misunderstood the situation.

I had matches in QP, where I could just chill on blue beam and had like 80% uptime, but because enemy didn’t dealt damage my second support couldn’t deal with…

But it sounds like it was not like that and that Mercy pushed blue beam because of reasons…

I am sorry, not every one of us is like that.

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I guess they were just trolling or probably some small streamer doing it for lols. it was qp anyway so it was ok in the end.

Most mercy’s are generally good, its just someone like this is way more noticeable.

Also today has been that kind of day, i think its torture the hanzo main day i guess, im pretty sure greyfalcon jinxed one shot player or something.

Not only did i get this mercy two times

I then later got a wreckingball who suddenly thinks its a strat to bodyblock the hanzo, and let me fire through him.

We lost pretty badly, but still got a few plinks in but at some point it went beyond joke and torturing me lol.

That looks like a player that is just mad at snipers so he decided to grief you for playing one…

Throwing is a thing unfortunately

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Yea, that’s probably someone taking “Blue beam true beam” too literally, or memeing.

I don’t think I’ve ever had sub 5k healing unless it was a turbo stomp, even with a few Moira/Ana+Mercy matches where I’m sitting 75+% blue beam uptime.
I usually sit around 5k boosted in those Mercy+Big heals matches too…

Good idea to give your Moira heads up so they knew to not rely on Mercy for healing.