Dallas Fuel vs. Vancouver Titans - Stage 2 Playoffs - FINAL

y i k e s !

as i said earlier…you are gravely mistaken if you think Vancouver cant dps…they won Apex(?) long before GOATS was even a concept

Not true. They consistently did well, but their first major trophy was winning 2018 Contenders S2

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i changed it…i couldnt remember which tourney it was… :sweat_smile:

I love match up like this, when the next opponent is already set in stone.

Being you just know every single Blizzard/Activision person connected to the OWL is begging for that NY/Titan match up… on network tv. It makes me really want Fuel to win.

I have no delusion that people playing at that level can’t also play DPS heroes at a high level.

Doesn’t change the fact that they have a near perfect record (perfect win record, only lost… 3 maps?..) being the GOATS masters.

You think if the meta shifted they’d still be THIS dominate? I’m dubious. I think they’ve mastered the current strongest meta and are having a field day with it. A switch up could have a major impact.

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What was kind of funny that lifting the trophy was heavier than lifting their general manager in that match.

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“puckett is my daddy now” ok! didnt need to hear that


All the records this season feel rather empty to me being teams don’t really play each other. Being OWL moved to a division set up like real sports. I understand why Blizzard did it but it’s making for all sort of inflated records all over the place.

Don’t get me wrong, clearly Titans are a very good team but even now a show down between them and NY is still a “maybe”. I just don’t like this current system.

That is because we know that Semmler is your daddy.


my wig is in orbit. you scalped me. im bald now

Heh… The Pachimari baby blankets are still for sale in the gift shop at the Blizzard Arena it seems.

i want to hand the dallas team some beers to cry in…

Heh… they have Jack In The Box for that.

Zacharee is only 18, captain…can’t exactly hand them beers unless they’re one of the few beers made without alcohol…

18 is the drinking age in Aust, but it wasn’t about drinking them but how badly things have been going for them so far even though they are playing almost perfectly.

Even those are restricted by the same age restrictions (to prevent addiction).

Yeah even O’Douls that claim to be non alcoholic have a 0.5% alcohol level