Dallas Fuel vs. Houston Outlaws - FINAL

Well I do love playing Symm on Lijiang tower


Think of Push as the best of both worlds from Control and Escort, but it requires nearly as much multitasking as Capture the Flag.

It’s a shame they didn’t tweak the flag rules to get that mode in better shape rather than just abandon it. It’s so close to being great.

Make pickup take .5 seconds and let stuns/boops interrupt it. Decrease flag return time by 2 seconds so they can’t be daisy chained. And give it some more maps. It would be great.

I love that too but it’s also one of my pet peeves with control. Certain heroes are just so much better/worse depending on the map in that mode. Lúcio in general and Widow on ruins immediately comes to mind.


I think I drank too much tonight because seeing oge weep has got me welling up :joy:

The Fuel redemption Arc is the anime we didn’t know we needed nor deserved.


I forgot that Fearless is the anime protagonist, so Houston didn’t stand a chance against his plot armor…

It’s a double edged sword because it’s fun to play but not play against haha

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I love seeing Sym dominate on escort. They said it couldn’t be done. Sparkle’s performance against The Shock on Eichenwalde was not a fluke!


It’s painful to watch, just like my sniping skillz.

I like how they are saying it’s next level when a lot of Symm mains try to use TP this way. The teammates assume it can’t work not that Symm don’t try these things


“Sir, we don’t have a hitscan player! What do we do?”

“Invent new Sym strats…”


thats 2 different record level attacks today featuring SYM


True, the “play against” factor is just so bad to me personally that I just despise the mode. Definitely is in favor of who gets the point first since you can push up, fall back, and stall out on point as the % ticks up the whole time. Wait till 87% and then retake with ults for a win.

All the worst aspects of 2CP but people love the brawl/deathmatch feel of it so it’s more “popular”


It’s happening! Fuel ate their Wheaties today.

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I take it back. Turn back the clock.

I want to fight the Shock now please…

Rein/Sym dive, it’s amazing

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I can’t wait for the threads that will be created after this set. I’m getting 2019 Sombra Deja Vu :joy: .