Dallas Fuel vs. Florida Mayhem - FINAL

STILL its stage 2… not Stage 1.

BTW I think Florida Wins :slight_smile:

…did Xepher cash in all his scrimbucks today? He’s been good

For those of you that want a sneak peak at what a Philly crowd is like, here you go. Sadly the original video they were reacting to got taken down, so this reaction to that video will have to make do:

I recognise that name…is that the year that Cena faced RVD?

Yes it is. ECW One Night Stand 2006.

Man if I was a Florida fan I’d be pulling my hair out.

You’re assuming Florida has fans to begin with.

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Do graphic designers count?

Mayhem Academy fans count, right?

That’s like saying your mom thinks you’re handsome.

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They should have boxing rules, like when the ref stop the fight.

Note not dying at all on Kings Row and Rialto!

The Mayhem are now sitting at -15 and a contender for worst map differential this stage…

Dallas are in, 2 spots left!

Final Score


WATCH LIVE: TwitchOverwatch LeagueESPN3

Time for the match of the night.

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They’ll avoid that. Their 2 fellow -15 teams play each other

Note Calling out the Shock huh? I hope so :rofl:

There’s a few Sayaplayer fans that followed him over from his old apex era team.