Dallas Fuel May Melee Champions no McCree

Ugh, no wonder you were advocating for McCree to be untouched.

That was Chengdu Hunters

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I advocate for the truth brother.


No, it wasn’t.


What is halarious was when Sparkle played s76 he was legit trolling the game.

Some examples here:


Honestly, the OWL May Melee is a really interesting look at some of the standard forum opinions.

McCree is OP, yet Dallas won without a proper hitscan player. They locked the Legs, for goodness’ sake.

Symmetra is terrible, yet Dallas dominated with her at points. She was played for the complete length, all three points, of one of the payload maps (I want to say it was Havana or Gibraltar, but I honestly can’t recall just now). And the Busan Mecha Base strat we saw Dallas use is absolute gold, with the TP to lock down both high ground doors. Just gold.

D.Va is a throw pick, yet she’s by far the most played off tank in the league. She’s incredibly versatile, and DM is still one of the best abilities in the game. Maybe you need insane coordination to get this kind of value from her, that may be a fair point. But she’s even played with Rein over Zarya (particularly in Asia).

Winston sucks, apparently. I don’t get it, I’ve never gotten it. And nobody tell Fearless, because he seems to be making it work. Classic dive and Double Bubble have both seen a ton of play in both regions. Fearless makes Primal Rage look like the best ult in the game, and sure none of us on the ladder are Fearless, you got me there, but I don’t think Monkey is bad after all.

And lest we forget, tanks are worse than they’ve ever been. Except Rein. It’s impossible to get value on a tank, you’re just at the mercy of DPS players everywhere. In spite of the fact that main tank play was HUGELY important throughout the tournament. We saw Fearless make huge impact plays throughout, we saw Fate make huge impact plays throughout. OGE, Ameng (that back cap!), you name it.

If anything, this season of OWL has been incredible. It’s a playmaker’s league this season, and we’re seeing huge, fight and match changing plays from all three roles. There have been DPS performances that have been insane. Supports making both great defensive plays, and aggressive, bloodthirsty fight winning plays. And tanks too have had their moments of just absolute awe inspiring dominance.


Congratulations. McCree is not the best hero in OWL. It’s a shame that’s not the same for Overwatch.


And if you read the threads you will see people telling them that they want the game balanced from the top.

The game should be balanced from the higher end, not the top

Balancing for the top only leads to the absolutely pathetic state that this game is in right now


Not really, games need to be balanced from the top because if the game is easy to master then it gets boring. Look at Brood War, ten years later players were still coming up with strategies and were still improving their skills, because the game was balanced from the top. It wouldn’t have been possible if they balanced for the ladder to accomodate players of lower skill.

The game is in one of the best states it’s ever been in terms of balance.


It’s not though, it’s just further evidence that standard competitive play with strangers is a vastly different game than teams who train together for periods of time.

All of your points are basically irrelevant after you acknowledge that one fact.

I won’t respond to every point you make, but here’s a classic example:

You hit it right on the head, DVa offers a VERY slim windows of blocking insane amount of damage/abilities. If your team isn’t coordinated to going in on a “3…2…1” in perfect sync, this is often meaningless in a match of random people put together.


I actually read them. The messages with more likes or the top comments call for a separate balance between OWL and the main game. Though there are also players that argue that the top to bottom balance is a better way. But there are also a percentage of players in the threads that ask for the 90% of players to be heard and not only focus on OWL and the 1%.

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I don’t know if that is true, but I actually believe you because most people don’t understand that the game needs to be balanced from the top, the devs understand it and that is why they do it, it’s what is best for the game long term.

Balancing around masters sounds about right to me. It’s in the name after all. Balancing around something that’s unreachable by most of the audience is a recipe for players to lose interest. Masters is at least a realistic goal, with Grandmasters being there for the best of the best.

The game also is not in one of the best balance states considering the casual side of the game is miserable right now. Dominate strategies pop up inevitably, but if the thing that’s easy to play becomes the dominate strategy then uh… yeah it’s not fun.

So it isn’t that D.Va is bad, it’s that players aren’t good with her. That’s a very different discussion. Heroes that are amazing at the top but simply not viable at the bottom aren’t actually a problem for me, they are a skill check. Your mileage may vary.

Similarly, on the McCree point: if McCree was actually OP, then simply putting resources into your McCree should be enough to win. Particularly when you’ve got a player of the caliber of say a Carpe or a Lip playing him. Yet that’s not at all what we see at the highest level. McCree sees a lot of play because of his relative versatility (spike damage, moderate range, shield break AND a stun) not because he’s overwhelmingly powerful. He’s actually potentially a liability against a coordinated dive, which is the polar opposite of being OP.

And, to be fair, I do agree that McCree is probably a bit overtuned right now, in terms of just doing so much with what he has available. But he isn’t broken, he’s just a bit out of alignment. Hell, we saw Hanzo get as much value, if not more, than McCree at various points during the tourney.


You are free to believe that but the devs agree that is best to balance from the top so that’s what they are going to do.

I’d say the casual side of the game is doing great.

Well, I disagree with the last bit there. I’ve pretty much abandoned the game despite all the time I’ve put into it, not because I got bored of it or anything, but because the game became unfun.

The last Sigma nerf they put through was the last straw for me because, even if that balanced the character better, it made the character exceptionally unfun to play.


It was easily the most trash nerf given to a hero in the game. Literally any other nerf would of felt better.


You’re completely missing the mark still in my mind.

It has nothing to do with the individual player, it has everything to do with needing a fully coordinated team in order to play on some heroes strengths.