D.Va short thoughts?

I understand why people get frustrated, but I think if they wanted to add more lore a comic would have been better. Shorts often build off of what’s there and there isn’t much there for D.Va.

It added depth to her character - D.Va is a soldier that fights her heart and soul, even risking her life, to protect her country. She’s a soldier with PTSD, who has probably seen people that she cares for get hurt.

She’s someone who believes that she has to carry everything on her shoulders at a very young age.

This short teaches us that we don’t have to be alone, and that it’s okay to accept help from others. It wasn’t the most amazing or groundbreaking short, but it does more for D.Va than people give credit.

It makes her more than a dorito munching gremlin that spams GG.

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I put my thoughts in a thread

tl;dr it’s fine upon analysis and is completely in-line with what Blizzard does with their other cinematics.

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D Va is hot

20 char limit


Thanks for the link! I agree with you, 100 percent. As I mentioned before, this short does more for D.Va than people like to realize or acknowledge.

It doesn’t have to be groundbreaking brand spankin’ new shiny lore to be useful or helpful to the character, I believe.

You’re right and you should say it.

People seem to forget the game’s rated T and not M. H&G is probably gonna be the heaviest it gets

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It’s not the worst, it’s not the best. I feel it could have been better, I also feel like they wasted way too much time on friendzone guy. Of course, he really only served as foil so that we realize that DVa isn’t all about that high life nonsense. And to get his little time to kind of sort of not really shine in the end.

Taehyun is hot it’s totally fine with me :stuck_out_tongue:

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No man compares to Doomfist and Big Rein in the looks department.

He isn’t bad looking hehe.

But I mean, couldn’t you easily draw comparisons with Daehyun & D.Va to Balderich & Reinhardt?

(oops this wasnt meant to be in response to you darth :sweat_smile: )
Obviously not 100 percent the same, but there’s the reckless/responsible type dynamic.

I think Hanzo is fairly handsome. :stuck_out_tongue:

I mean don’t get me wrong he’s a little twinky for my tastes; I prefer McCree and Doomfist :heart_eyes: and Rein’s “sexy sexy Reinhardt” karaoke on Busan wowie

Of course. They ground each other; Daehyun reminds her not to take things too seriously and D.Va reminds him that the idol life isn’t all that

and I got your edit but I’m responding anyway :stuck_out_tongue:

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I was over all fairly under whelmed by the video. I mean if it was just a short they put out every couple months it would of been okay. But for a once a year short it was very lack luster imo.

Mostly though I was fairly disappointed in what it did and showed. Sure we got a semi cool over the ocean air battle (something Dva can’t even remotely do in game). But beyond some fairly weak dialog I just feel there wasn’t anything in the short that couldn’t of just been in a comic.

For all the effort that was put into rendering this thing, we spend 99% of the time in the garage. She doesn’t walk around the city or anything to show it off. Add all that to the fact we really didn’t learn much of anything other than Korea is very bad at protecting their city.

The only people on call during an attack were two people who were supposed to be off duty.

I found Hana’s voice in the short quite soothing. It’s probably Charlet Chung’s normal voice but I found it more sultry and sexy rather than D.Va’s usual vibrant voice. :heart_eyes:

This was something they did pretty well IMO. It was a deliberate way to show the difference between Hana and DVa. So I +1’d for that.

I like how they showed she has a sweet caring side for her true personality and that “D.Va” is just her gamer persona. She isn’t a toxic individual in person.