D.va short is probably the most gameplay faithful piece of lore we've ever gotten

Seriously. D.va rushes in on her own against 5 enemies while somebody yells “you can’t do it alone” through her headset. That’s exactly what playing with a D.va is like.


Someone didn’t watch Honor and Glory.


But in that one rein stops rushing in alone eventually

“Where is Reinhardt??!”

Really gave me some PTSD flashbacks.


Yeah, after getting someone killed.

And honestly, the ONLY reason D.Va rushed in is because the other four pilots were compromised/unavailable.


It’s noteworthy that she has trouble aiming at the 5 symmetra turrets.

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At the same time she has unrealistic kit like infinite boosters and defense matrix that lasts for 7 seconds, while honor and glory was way more realistic with rein’s shield shattering after few seconds of focused fire etc

Literally like every rein main ever! at first he keeps rushing and dying but after that he starts protecting his team and doing everything to make sure they are protected!!

Not OW, but the most faithful dramatization of actual gameplay:

By the same Blizzard CGI animation team no less.

One day we might get a short of this quality in OW. One day.

So I’d say it’s more of a transition from bronze to gm thana description of rein players in general then

Then you have the d.vas that spray from a distance all the time.
I mean seriously.
If you are gonna play tank then get outthere and be a tank.
I could do more damage as a mercy without feeding the enemy

You obviously have a heavy bias against Reinhardt, fueled with hatred if you think that little gremlin is more gameplay-faithful in her cinematic than Reinhardt is.

(I’m joking, mostly).

Beginning of Rein cinematic:

Rein abandons his team, believing that they’ll be fine while he rushes off with his own agenda (this is the newbie Reinhardt stage, or Reinhardts at lower ranks).
He chases the glorious combat of another Reinhardt (this, never changes).

Later on, he realizes self-sacrifice is essential for caring for others (Realizing you have a massive hitbox and healthpool, so you can hold the line without a shield for a short while).

He also learns the value of Firestrike (taking down airborne targets with it as skill is gained).

And then nearing the finale, Reinhardt returns to defend his team that he previously abandoned, as quickly as possible. (He realizes the error of his previous ways when at lower ranks/lower skill, and then understands that protection is his number one job. He returns to keep his team alive, and escort them.)

At the actual finale, Reinhardt looks back on his past-self (recording own games for self-improvement), and promises himself to never fall back into that mindset (sticks to Team>Self mindset).

Ergo, Rein is best.
