D.va: New Boop, New Boosters?

Ok we’ve already established that this patch has totally screwed over D.va, but the one thing that has been bugging the heck out of me is the fact that the knockback now affects her booster direction.

Has this happened to anyone else? Mid-boosters if you are hit with minor displacement CC it totally changes the direction of your mech?

Note: I’m not talking about your mech moving as a result of Rocket Punch or Concussive Blast and the like, it’s more like the mech gets tilted out of the direction its facing and suddenly you feel like you got thrown into a game of Crazy Taxi.

It’s super disorienting and my least favorite part of the new boop changes :confused:


Damn… I loved Crazy Taxi.
Don’t know about Dva tho so can’t help you with that, sorry!


good. dva rolling over the top of you with no ability to be booped was awful. she is more balanced now.


That’s not balance, that’s just stupid.

Its practically a bug


GASP. There are NO bugs in bliz games.

I kind of hate the new boop deal on all heros, it’s like a surprise flying simulator.


This patch has been good to D.Va. She can boop people easier even if she does also get booped easier, but the big benefit for her is the reduction in damage of beam weapons to armor. Beams are one of D.Va’s counters are their effectiveness against her is now drastically reduced.

I had a game as D.Va where a Reddit Lucio, a Doomfist, and a Roadhog kept singling me out of my team. It was an exceptionally frustrating game that reminded me of Reinhardt pinball.

What is also annoying that seems to have been introduced in this patch is that I now sometimes get momentarily stuck on the spawn doors when boosting out (the maps with plane you spawn in seem to be the most affected). Being stuck can last an entire second and on occasion, has even happened back to back, despite the doors being fully open.

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Boops have been the most powerful utility in the game since launch. People never realised how absurdly strong they were because they had counterplay in the form of pushing against the momentum.

Now there is nothing interesting in boops at all. Lucio just throws you 20ft back every 4 seconds and there’s nothing you can do except for just accepting it.


Seems fine to me.

D.va doesnt need to be buffed in fact she still need some nerfs because she is one of the most oppressive characters in the game and OP since ever.

She needs no nerfs, and no cc should actively change the direction you are facing while using a movement ability.

Imagine if you’re Rein and a Concussive Blast turns you 90° mid charge.
That’s insanely dumb.


It was kinda weird that almost no boops could interfere with boosters. I think this is a good buff for Pharah because before she could do almost nothing if a enemy D.Va boosts and missles them. Now, Pharah can use her conc blast to bop the flying D.Va away. It’s a good buff for Pharah considering that D.Va counters Pharah well.

then they couldve made it pharah specific. it didnt need to help the boop of the most overpowered hero in the game.

I don’t think I’ve noticed the change myself but is the OP saying that the boop is basically turning D.Va, because yeah that isn’t what should be happening.

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I believe Dva was the only tank that could not be reliably booped (as she is almost always firing.) Yes, Orisa had some protection as well, but Orisa has a magazine and requires reload etc from time to time.

Reinhardt has been able to be booped forever-- even during his charge. For the longest time, Dva has been given this exception to the rule. Its been very strong against almost all characters, and especially strong against Pharah.

I’m glad it’s fixed. Shame it took so long.


Unfortunately, it’s intended.

Allowing flying heroes, like Mercy when using her Valkyrie ability or D.Va using her Booster ability, to be properly knocked back makes for more fluid, realistic gameplay.

Yes but booping doesn’t if I’m getting what OP is talking about right, make the character boop basically spin around randomly it just knocks people away.

again you don’t get spun around with a boop though, and that’s what’s being asked here. There is apparently something that makes a a booped D.Va I guess spin around when booped.

But… knockbacks does affect movement abilities like Reinhardt’s charge and Doomfist’s Rocket Punch. Why should Dva’s be different?

I hadn’t noticed it. I was playing D.Va against a team with a Lúcio and I only got booped sideways.

I haven’t noticed it either but if it is doing that occasionally or not that does sound like a bug.