There is no argument outside of Ladder LUL where you can back up that D.Va is not overtuned. She’s a must pick in pro play and has been one since the initial buff. Thats 2 years of D.Va nearly every game in semi-pro/amateur play(6v6 preset scrim teams). She needs a nerf/competition
Option A -
Add a hard dive hero with a defense matrix type ability
Remove Micro Missiles and add 2 pellets on her gun.
Brings competition for her role and solidifies her as a Peel tank.
If you like the Dive play style of D.Va then the above mentioned dive hero should be a great fit for you.
Option B -
Take away 100 standard hp.
Swap 50hp to armor (250hp 250 armor)
Makes D.Va a lot more fragile thus punishable.
1 Like has the highest pickrate because she’s the most versatile. She can pair up well with literally every single tank. Plus triple tank comps.
She’s not overpowered, she’s just unrivalled in what she can consistently provide. Buff Wrecking Ball to maje him not suck and’s pick rates plummet.
Which I provide a fix for
Option A
The thing is Wrecking ball fulfills the main tank role. He creates space. D.Va isn’t designed to make much space herself but she helps the main tank(winston) make space.
She’s not op and she’s already the most fragile of the tanks. Where is the out cry for rein and zarya who are currently out performing her? You do realize those 2 have a higher winrate and pickrate than On the ladder overall and in grandmasters
Defense matrix is unfun so they should make it only last 1 second but increase her armor by 10 to balance it out
She’s not a must pick, she’s the most viable tank, not the most OP and therefore does not need nerfs. She in fact has huge weaknesses, that aren’t highlighted with the numbers.
The only reasonable demand to drop her pick rate is to have more tanks.
Adding defense matrix on a new or different hero will likely end up with them being run together.
Removing health is lame because she wasn’t considered survivable enough when she had 400armor/100health and a 4 second toggle defense matrix, why would she be survivable enough with 200armor/300health and a 2 second toggle defense matrix?
Sis, it don’t add up.
Anyways ladder/GM stats will always be more relevant than pro stats. Where she’s fine, at that.
Edit: while I’m at it: that instance where she wasn’t survivable enough was at the same time that Ana was Flat Out Broken, too.
And if you buff Wrecking Ball enough to actually rival Winston, you see Zarya pick rates rise and Dva’s drop cuz Zarya comboes better with him than does.
Zarya’s pickrate is already higher than D.Va’s on ladder.
That being said, I’m not opposed to Hammond buffs.
But OP was referencing pro play.
Uh oh the next generation of nerfing is going to begin.
It’s been a few months. Can’t let D.Va mains rest for too long.
this guy just want to see rein zarya every game.
i suspect he plays a divable character
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Agreed Wrecking Ball needs to be stronger.
Ammo increased from 80 to 90
Fps Increased from 25 to 30
Wrecking Ball cannot be body blocked in ball form.
Adaptive shields can be activated in Ball form.
With these he’ll be fixed in my opinion.
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Better idea: no DVa nerfs.
Overtuned thus could use some tweaking.
Yes, we need more tanks to compete with her which is why I have option A as option A, its the best option
Why? thats like doubling down on barriers but worse. DM+Barrier will always be stronger.
Hammond is a hard dive hero. D.Va helps him more and can also provide more for the lost defense of the backline. Zarya can’t really defend her backline nearly as well as D.Va can.
With Hammond you generally want to run something which can snap the heads when he does a piledriver or additional dive heroes. Since Hammond has not been massively used its been unexplored thus we don’t really know the top combos. Hammond+Ashe could be really good. Hammond+Tracer could be better, we don’t know. The only thing I know is that ive seen far more Hammond+D.Va than Hammond+Zarya in amateur play as well as pro play.
Hammond and Winston, if anything I’d want D.Va to be meta.
No, I don’t want to see Rein+Zarya every game, I want to actually see a more complex meta than just run D.Va LUL 4Head.
zarya is already in every game why do you not complain about her
right now its zarya lul 4head grav
every single game zarya is right there EVERY GAME
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I like how you shrug off ladder play, like the way we actually play the game is some trivial frivolous thing.
Overwatch league will be fine without sabotaging ladder play.