D.va is the new scapegoat

They gave her a buff alongside that. Her charge depletes slower now.

And the right click change is best summarized here:

Pros also use bastion more than Genji.

Doesn’t mean bastion is actually better character.

Pickrates in pro games are honestly so irrelevant.

Just because characters like ashe aren’t picked any in pro games, also doesn’t mean ashe is such a poor and weak character she cannot be used in ladder and everywhere else.


Which we also see DVA isnt really weak against SOATs if your team is ready

And they gave zenyatta and lucio buffs alongside their changes as well

And it is not best summarised there as it is in no way a buff to low charge zarya (I’d love an explanation for how it is) and only a nerf to zarya above 0 charge

It’s a buff for low charge zarya because the explosion radius for low charge zarya was only 1 meter, buffed to 2 meters regardless of charge, but the maximum radius was 3 meters and nerfed to 2 meters regardless of charge.

" Developer Comments: Zarya’s damage greatly increases when at high energy, while also gaining increased beam size and a larger explosion radius. This often allowed Zarya to deal too much damage and made the explosions from the Alternate Fire on her Particle Cannon nearly impossible to avoid. This change will still allow Zarya to deal a lot of damage, but makes it more difficult to actually apply the damage.

Particle Cannon
  • Alternative Fire’s explosion radius changed to 2 meters, regardless of energy level"

Which honestly, nobody even notices.


No it was originally 2 meters to 3 meters they tried nerfing it to 1 meters to 2 meters and than decided to just put it at 2 meters as can be seen in the original patch note about it

(For some reason it wouldnt let me quote it, probably a forum bug, so here’s a link to the original patch mentioning it)

This was later changed to be 2 meters regardless as 1 meter was deemed way too small

I’m trying to get back into overwatch. I’m not even playing much D.va anymore, mostly trying to DPS, but tbh if they give into the scapegoating and nerf her again I’m probably done with this game.

She’s playable, but incredibly frustrating. That’s fine, I’m ok relearning her for the 6th time. But if she’s nerfed again I don’t see how she can really work as a tank at all. Like she doesn’t hold her own at all at the moment without a lot of extra work compared to just saying “frak it” and playing Zarya or Rein.

clears throat L O V E , D . V A .

Totally doesn’t remind me of anyone.

The explosion radius varied from 1 meter to 3 meters originally, it was normalised to 2 meters at all charge levels.

Don’t always trust the patch notes either, they had wrong value for symmetra’s beam up there for 8 months. Trust your eyes instead.

Regardless, the change is so minimal nobody honestly even notices this. Zarya still deals the same damage and they aren’t trying to particle cannon shoot down pharahs with it, it’s mostly all just for spam and getting more ulti charge. She’s barely affected by this change.

She’s not a scapegoat, though, she’s legitimately overpowered by the nature of her kit. She’s a tank with free pathing and access to high ground basically whenever she wants it.

On top of that, she has one of the best zoning/dps ults in the game, and on demand CC that also does modest damage. She’s incredibly oppressive due top her massive health pool, and she has the ability to single out and hound the majority of the cast with little to no risk.

Honestly, if I need an off tank, 9/10 times I want D.va. She doesn’t require as much coordination as Zarya due to her kit, so she’s better for ladder overall imo.

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New scapegoat? She’s been the scapegoat every season since forever. You also really aren’t doing any favors stopping it by making posts like this. It’s basically asking more people to talk about nerfing d.va.

And a character that doesn’t do much else but shoot straightforward probably sounds like a poor character, but widowmaker is hardly bad.

Nothing in dva’s kit is oppressive, not her paper mech, not her weak boop, not her nerfed to oblivion tank ability, not her easy to avoid ultimate and not her ability to fly around.

9/10 cases you will want that Zarya with a Rein though and never dva. Dva is not as good as you try to make her out to be and ladder agrees.

And I really disagree that dva doesn’t need coordination. She’s a dive character for a reason and she can’t facetank anything, she needs all the coordination just so she doesn’t get instantly demeched.


Literally if not for GOATS, D.Va would be one of the mandatory tank picks. Actually, she was until GOATS alongside monkey.

She commands high ground, and has the ability to almost constantly harass the backline. There is a reason she has been a solid meta pick throughout almost the entirety of Overwatch’s existence. It’s because, her kit, by its nature; is overpowered.

You can disagree, you can tell me I’m wrong; but metrics and statistics over the life of the game tell me I am more right than yourself. I understand that you main her, and I understand that you might like her; but that does not mean she isn’t overpowered.

I’m not saying she needs a nerf, don’t take this as me saying that; nerfing is unhealthy for pretty much any game outside of minor and incremental changes. I think she needs more counterplay outside of a handful of heroes.

I haven’t even begun to discuss how she is the only hero in the game that can delete some of the most powerful ultimates in the game on a two second cooldown.

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Do you know what the word “New” means?
DVa has always been the scapegoat.


“New” scapegoat? More like… Two years now. Lol


Wait, new? Hasn’t she been meta for years now?

Her and Lucio pretty much. Both of them have been meta since early seasons aside from Lucio dropping out from the Mercy Rework Dive Meta due to there being no need for speed boost since nothing died.

“Dv.A the new scapegoat”, after recently made a post about Widowmaker.
I don’t think I’m gonna make one about Dv.A .
It’s not like she is the most viable hero of all the casts.

Dive ? No problem.
Goat ? No problem.
2-2-2 ? No problem.
Bunker ? No problem.

She only have one counter who is off meta. Mei.
And it’s not even a good counter since she can just dive her with all her team and eat her snowball drone.

Dv.A only need so switch for Zarya when there are a Reinhardt on King Row.
She is viable on all maps.

Because when she becomes the new best counter to everyone’s favorite heroes, she’s gonna need to be nerfed. Again. For the umpteenth time.

This. Her kit literally sucks right now. All she has going for her is extreme flexibility. She is a dull swiss knife at this point. Yeah she can do more or less anything but you are better off taking zarya for every scenario outside of diving snipers