D.Va is the least picked hero at GM

That’s honestly irrelevant. No hero should have a pick rate as low as D.Va does right now.


begging for buffs is just going to break the game. she is terrible because the meta will not allow a dva to do anything not because she lacks power

No, it’s because she was chain nerfed after she was already balanced. So, now she is underpowered.


Lol this thread. Most popular tanks across all ranks was always D.Va and Rein. D.Va being out means less people want to play and higher dps queue times (but hey, no more dm to worry about;)). I am one of many D.Va players that stopped playing overwatch, except for 5 min on new events then I quit in disappointment.

I don’t get why blizzard hasn’t given attention to her and genji (staple heroes that made people want to play). A lot of players lost due to bad balance and bs heroes like moira and mei and recently orisa


Bringing D.Va back would only be beneficial. We do need some dive, if snipers aren’t going to get nerfed. Anything to counter them, now that shields are going to be reduced.

And because D.Va is unplayable, people who don’t like playing shield bots or tanks in general are playing Hog instead who doesn’t provide any protection to his team and is basically a fat dps, more than anyone. Or ofc Hammond, who is good at harassing backlines, but also provides no protection. Hammond basically took D.Va’s place.


I’m just happy that those last 6 months proved that a meta without d.va isn’t any better than a meta with her. People acted has if overnerfing d.va would solve the problem… Good that they’ve been proven wrong


Honestly, I think it’s actually worse without D.Va. Having her be part of the game keeps a lot of the really frustrating elements in check.


Dm used to be a lesser evil to counter the bigger evil.
Funny that people acted as if d.va was the reason Pharah, Bastion (and a few other non meta character) weren’t played. They are even less playable…


Omg shes somehow worse than Sym? wtf… Why do I choose to play the most underpowered heroes ever?


Sym was pretty good until they nerfed her. I don’t really understand why they nerfed her. I don’t even play a lot of sym.

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And it’s actually gotten worse since I started this thread. This week D.Va’s pick rate is only 0.16% in GM.

Her three month average is only 0.35%. The only heroes worse than that over the last 3 months are Torb and Soldier. That’s just crazy to me.


She’s a little better on console tho, because hitscan isn’t as popular.