D.Va is the least picked hero at GM

I know she has buffs on the PTR; however, I don’t think they are going to be enough. There are a lot of other tank changes which could potentially bring her back; however, I think that she’s still going to be overshadowed and end up being one of if not the least picked tank after all these changes.

If she does make a comeback, it will be the greatest comeback of all time. Give her back the knockback resistance that she once had OR reduce her movement speed penalty while shooting. Other tanks have recently gotten these types of buffs. She needs them too.


As long as she’s the enemies of GM DPS players she will never be made viable.


That’s not how game balance should work. Her pick rate is pathetic. She’s literally the most mained hero in the game and still has the lowest pick rate. That’s a huge problem and likely a big factor in queue times being what they are.


Dumb dumb balancing. D.va is a strong hero in the wrong meta, is that terrible? No it happens all the time. You dont just go BUFFING every low pick rate hero. Thats a good way to power creep or power shove the game balance and ruin everything. Go ahead nerf… oh what the devs are nerfing stuff? Good.


I mean, GMs play to win, they dont care who is popular or not, they will always pick the strongest heroes


True. But she is the most popular tank. And a lot of D.Va mains would rather play a DPS or a support than a different tank. So, tanks become lower picked overall.

But when a hero, who should be extremely versatile and popular, is the least picked hero then something is wrong with that picture.

D.Va is much weaker than she’s been in a long time. There’s no danger of power creep with D.Va. You’d have to undo at least 3 more nerfs and then buff her for there to be any danger of that.

She’s not just a lower picked hero, she’s THE lowest picked hero. That’s a sign of being weak not just being in the wrong meta.


D.Va was blatantly overnerfed. Buffing her isn’t making powercreep.


Haven’t touched the tank role in 3 months and not gonna waste time trying to tank with poor heroes like dva. I’ll just watch Mouffin offtank since you apparently need to be pro level ladder god to use current dva. Giving back 0.5 seconds more of matrix is pitiful when other tanks are constantly changed and buffed to the point rein has become unboopable and and moves faster than she does. Give me back my knockback resist why dotcha?

Maybe I can use Zenyatta more, but who knows with Ana becoming support goddess again.


Narrow viewpoint. Flat buffs based on pick rate is power creep.

Buff winston, nerf barriers. Check, check. More winsron enables more dva, and less barrier meta. Balancing isent black and white, and flat buffs are cancer.

So it’s fine to buff Winston, who was considered balanced and was unchanged for ages, but not D.Va, who was objectively overnerfed. Got it.


Winston is overpowered, but he enables dva if you straight up buff dva now it would be WAY to strong.

Imagine buffing rien week 1 and week 2 buffing zarya. What combo do you think you would see more of?

Oh well, too bad so sad that D.Va is unused in a rank that doesn’t take into account anything but the consistently easiest way to secure wins.

The buff isn’t designed to make her a powerhouse again, stop acting like that’s the point. You’re only hurting your own outlook.

She’s even below Symmetra.

O, how the mighty have fallen.


Dvas eject pilot mechanic makes her obsolete. Was once a cutesy thing when she was developed , made her unique, is not that practical. If you get mech back, youre another ULT battery, hooray! Hammond/winston have shields, DVA does not. She needs something like that instead of the life after death thing.


They literally just did this.


they also gave her 8 consecutive nerfs before so it’s not like she’s OP currently.


Someone has to be at the bottom.


Someone has to be at the bottom, but when it’s one of three off-tanks (or even any tank or support), that’s a sign something’s wrong.


Not that far at the bottom. There’s only 8 tanks. You have to pick 2. There shouldn’t be 13 points difference between the most and least picked tanks.


D.Va has 2 major issues (and other small ones like power creep)

Her best Utility was over nerfed so it needs a revert I think. The second is the global boop changes they made to nerf Goats (which ironically make Goats better since nearly the entire team had boops)

The REASON these changes were so ground shattering for Dive tanks in a 2-2-2 environment is that with a single Boop you counter the Dive and often end up feeding. Without that fall control you are kinda helpless.

Not to mention all the CC creep. So many heros have it and Jeff himself admitted to it in a recent interview.

Side note, this is one of the main reasons Rein will be the god tank once PTR changes drop. He barely moves so fall control doesn’t matter.