D.Va is not Over Powered

Maybe no one complains about her in your games but people do complain about her


Moira’s pro pickrate isn’t really that high (i really don’t know) but that’s not the point

I’ve never once heard someone say “omg do something about that dva “ but mileage may vary I guess


I never said she was just used in dive.

Her pickrate is about where most non Zen supports are. That is exactly the point though. I and others, know that ladder pickrates are not the best things to base balance off of because of trolls, factors like popularity, easy of use, people needing to learn to play, etc. However pro pickrates have none of that fluff.

So from me, even though I’d love for an excuse to nerf Moira, I will not because she does not have an outrageous pickrate at pro play


I’ve heard it frequently. Partly because I say it and partly because I watch some high level streamers

You also said that Reinhardt shield was bad which probably means you like Orisa, except she has a quarter of Reinhardt’s pickrate. If the meta was the reason for D.Va being strong, she would have an 85% pickrate like Winston. She doesn’t. It’s 95%.

You are putting some words in my mouth there by making assumptions about things I think that I haven’t explicitly stated.

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Here’s a question for you, since you think current DVa is fine and 20 damage soldier was fine, what do you think of power creep?

Sure. Then why aren’t you talking about how Orisa and Roadhog are garbage when they both have lower pickrates than Reinhardt and Zarya? And how can you explain D.Va being powerful outside of Dive when your solution to D.Va is to kill Dive?

“Strong” does not mean OP. Neither does pickrate.

In most cases pickrate means NOTHING. Reinhardt and Orisa are amazing tanks that are picked rarely because of the current meta.


I think if power creep is a problem then a lot of heroes need nerfs, not just a couple.

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While I don’t think it’s that far out of line, I think it’s hard to deny that Dva is overpowered. If you distilled every hero down into a rating of offensive capability and defensive capability Dva would be one of the outliers.

If a couple of heroes are overperforming what is your solution to that? Buffing their counters or nerfing the hero? Detach DVa from this for a second and answer this question

Again, I never said my solution to D.Va was to kill dive. My solution to D.Va is to increase the pick rates of other tanks by making them more viable. If you see more Zarya, you’ll see less D.Va. Rein pairs best with Zarya. So, I am suggesting buffing that tank pairing in order to buff her biggest counter.

Im not debating she isnt a little OP but also pick rate doesnt mean a hero is OP.


If those tanks are actually balanced and being overshadowed by some overpowered nonsense, why would you not address the overpowered nonsense?


more reinhardt and zarya =/= less dva, back in tank meta dva was regularly run with those heroes in almost every game, because she works well with them

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But why would you want to power creep two tanks who were previously viable? D.Va is the one who changed, not Zarya and Reinhardt. It’s the same thing as Tracer. Why would you need to nerf Tracer when her power is the product of outside factors? Why would you need to buff other tanks when their weakness is the result of D.Va’s power?


this is the mercy argument all over again

“don’t nerf x, buff all of their competition”, except even more on the nose this time because we’ve seen what happens when the tanks overshadow the DPS. we get multitank meta.

(quad tank, by the way, already includes d.va, so this wouldn’t really solve anything)