Instead of giving a “why” you proceed to just “attack” the one making the argument, ok.
Zarya and Mei are not a counter like Sombra is to Doomfist, their mere existence won’t remove you from the game, but they also won’t allow you to move freely as you can when they are not being played.
In a match where there’s a Mei or Zarya, you can’t be the front line because you’re vulnerable to both of them and in Mei’s case she just turns you into a static target with you being literally unable to do anything about it, In Zarya’s case it actually depends on the team, is your team actually decent, do they pay attention to bubble CD ? them Zarya will sit bellow 40% energy and won’t be that much of a threat, do they spam damage all around and Zarya is always above 80% energy ? you can’t be in front of her for 3 full seconds literally.
Both this heroes are not a “i’m here, you either switch or lose” situation, but both of them require you to lean even more on your team to actually do something, in this case, you either have a Zarya of your own to help with them, or a Rein/Orisa so they can’t get to you that easily, in both cases, you’re not solo tanking.
I’m sorry, what ? D.Va has the best mobility ? Ok, let me get another hammster, mine died of laughter after reading that. Hammond is leaps and bounds ahed of in mobility, not only he can go much faster, much higher and farther, but he also has way more enviromental kill pressure with his knock back and more kill pressure in general with his combo.
Oh, btw, OW is dead on my region, literally, i sat for 45 minutes on ranked Queu and got nothing, not surprising given QuickPlay is populated by the same 25 people all the time, but back when i could play ranked, i played within the 3900-4100 SR literally only playing ( and Orisa when it was 2 CP maps on defense)
When you can get yourself out of low Diamond and actually call people bad.
Oh, all the heores get booped, but not all of them have a weapon that is only usefull at point blank, if you knock back a Hammond he still has decent damage on his miniguns, if you Knockback a Doomfist he still can jump back on you again, you can barely do anything about Winston’s jump most of the time because he shields himself before he gets close enough to be booped.
No, Lucio’s boop is not OP (nor the only knockback in the game) but the fact of the matter is, is literally only able to fight at point-blank, and anyone with a knockback and literally deny her booster 100% as most of them knock you back almost literally back to where you started.
By the way, is this your idea ? trying to blow things out of proportion to make it look ridiculous so you can sound like you’re in the right ? childish.
Yeah, if you’re playing against lemmings, sure. This is not a 2D game like Worms, where you can only attack from the front or the back, you can come from any direction, why in hell would everyone be shooting from the same direction into’s DM ? you canf lank, you can CC her as Roadhog and as Mei as soon as DM is brought UP, you can angle your Mei’s ult (given its barely visible) or even just freeze her and toss on your feet so it has no travel time, or better yet WAIT 2 SECONDS.
I gotta answer the meme though, and i saved it for last. can win almost any 1v1 ? maybe in hell, where you play with your low SR.
If you’re playing against any DPS player that doens’t panic when’s coming, you’re dead before you can drop half his HP.
Soldier ? drop heals and A-D spam while firing basically without the need to aim because he can’t miss at that distace.
Ashe ? two aimed shots and she’s nearly half HP, she has the option to fly up to you with DM up, but them as soon as she gets there all you have to do is buckshot away and demech her.
McCree? Flashbang McCleftlick
Genji ? she can’t even engage you properly given your dash is faster and you still have more mobility with wall climb.
Tracer ? D.Va’s cannon can barelly tickle you and you have 2 more dashes and a recal/heal over her, while you melt her mech with crits.
Doomfist ? punch into a wall and fire twice at her crit, done.
Sombra ? a-d strafe and fire at her mindlessly, if for some miracle she’s close to killing you, translocate, get back there with full HP and hack her first, even more one sided now.
Hanzo ? Jump back and use Storm arrow, she either turns back or loses the mech to all those fast arrow criting her down.
Junkrat ? mine away and shoot her, if she tries again, do the same because you actually have 2 mines.
Mei ? Literally freeze her, popsicle, Freeze, popsicle, so on.
I could go on for each character, but its anoying, so i’ll cut to the chase.
There are only 3 heroes that are free to go up against even if you suck, those being Winston, Zenyatta and Phara. The rest of the cast, especially when used by half decent players, can actually fight back on even ground, or even with advantage.