D.va booters nerf!

was NEVER on ptr, so they were like “hey, btw she’s getting this nerf too without being on ptr or without it being mentioned”, they will sneak it no one will notice, Thanks -_-

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But they put it in the patch notes…

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After they already released, why didnt they mention it along with the missile nerf???

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If they didn’t want you to notice they wouldn’t have told you about it

Good, they need to do more to disable the dive meta. This is only the beginning.


I do not have a problem with, the only thing i have a problem with is that they including it without it being on ptr and we had to find out about it on the patch notes, after it went live

They actually put it into the PTR, they just didn’t communicate it.


Source: Ninja nerf to DVa - #61 by JeffreyKaplan


How do they forget to communicate a change thats on ptr?

They often times do not update the patch notes and leave it to players to figure out what obscure changes were done by meticulously testing every single hero’s kit and double checking all values against the known values.

Often times ninja changes get onto the PTR by accident and the community finds it and brings it to light and then blizzard apologizes. They have gotten used to that by now.


Im not mad about the nerf, im mad about the lack of communicating when something like this is not told to the community and we had to find out about it like this

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With all the preparation going on with Archives, it was likely just an oversight just as they had mentioned.


wouldn’t be an issue if it was the first or even second time.