Ninja nerf to DVa

Which is spot on considering she has infinite more mobility and verticality, and also has the ability to negate almost every type of damage and a fair few ults.
She should never have been out burst damaging him in the first place.
Damage is literally all he has.


I was fine with the missile nerf but come on, boosters on top of it? 10 damage is NOTHING. And the worst thing they never even put this on the ptr. It was just done like “whatever. Throw that in there too.”

I don’t know how this will pan out but I can’t count the number of times I’ve used the boosters to run over fleeing supports or flankers and so this nerf actually bothers me more than the missiles.


No it’s not spot on. D.Va’s burst was outweighted by the skill required to land 100% of the damage.
Roadhog lands one skillshot and can burst down a Reaper.
D.Va has to land 18 skillshots and she couldn’t even burst a Reaper. Now she barely can burst down a Tracer (her pure burst combo, with no canon, is 146 damage).


Roadhogs target has to be within hook length, not behind a shield or cover, can easily bait the hook and can easily get broken, plus he is limited with his positioning to use it as he has no mobility. Funnily enough D.Va can also negate the damage from the hook combo.

Also the “skill aspect is nonsense” when you can fly up to their face, deal over 50 damage by simply getting by them, and then spam their feet with rockets and bullets deleting them with next to no aim or counterplay.

There is a reason she is dominant at every elo and you see a fraction of Roadhog.


No I play a tonne of the game and I will pick D.Va 100% of the time over Roadhog because she does his job better.

Simple as that

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The changes to’s boosters were tested on the PTR. The change went in a few days after the initial patch as part of our iteration cycle. Apologies that we did not communicate that change while it was undergoing testing. It was an oversight.


Huh… I didn’t notice any difference while on the PTR. Though I played the PTR sparringly… too busy watching OWL on my casual play nights.


Interesting. I suppose that eliminates my main qualm, so thanks for the heads up. :slight_smile:

Hopefully it’s enough to make the cries for more nerfs stop, non?


E x a c t l y. People, stop tearing the forums up about this.


Jeff! When will D.Va get some event cosmetics? Really wanted to know as she hasn’t gotten anything for any of the past 5 events in so long!


Everyone who advocated for the nerfs and weeping with joy at the unwarranted booster nerf are going to have fun times ahead with all the tracers, genjis and snipers who no longer go down because your dva is not there to dive with the winston since she’s a 3rd dps player now. It’s not like she can tank anyway. But I heard ya’ll just love to get sniped when your Genji is not doing enough.

Meanwhile people tout that “her pickrate was too high blabla” and then we have tracers diving at people and deleting them from existence if they don’t get heal pocketed asap and even through heals tracer has such a high dps that she can 2 clip squishies even if they are not alone. Dva basically tickled anyone who was getting healed like in every normal game people get healed and singular dva dive only sacrifices herself when the support she dived got a pocket mercy.

Now she can’t even kill a tracer and will just feed ulti charge and enemy hanzo laughs in volley as he systematically continues to delete each dps and support you have from high ground as soon as he gets buffed too. Sniper wars aint gonna work because the other sniper is just inevitably always better than the other. =)


Not sure if I should blame you for poor communication or thank you for saving us from the full ferocity of D.Va mains.


That has nothing to do with the topic of this thread.

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Nothing will ever stop the cries for more nerfs. Even the worst characters in the game routinely get a nerf thread because somebody gets frustrated.


Hook length is 20 meters, which is only slightly less than Boosters range.
It’s also much safer as Roadhog doesn’t have to be out of position when he uses it.
Diving a target behind a shield alone is suicide.

Zarya can do it as well. Zarya can also negate D.Va’s burst combo and melt her in no time with the earned charge, and D.Va can’t do anything against that.

Aiming at the feet means losing 25% of the damage (30% after the nerf), that’s a lot. And you can’t aim at someone’s feet with missiles and cannons.

Because she’s the only mobile off-tank.


It’s about D.Va and I can’t be stuffed making another thread seeing I can’t bump it.

People knowing about the change may actually influence the results just as much as the change itself as the knowledge can produce changes in behavior that the mechanic change would not necessarily make on it’s own.

I mean, tea. You right. Though still, not all of them incite action :slight_smile:

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It’s called a shield. Did we forget rein exists? Checks out with how shafted he gets nowadays.

And besides, without D.Va, dive won’t be as powerful. So -tracer -genji

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It’s okay. I’m sorry for any distress I might have caused you Jeff when I claimed the change hadn’t been tested then.

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