People don’t seem to understand the point I’m trying to bring across so I’ll add this quote for people who might fall into that category:
Yet Tracer gets a lot more hate and people want her nerfed while being fine with overall.
They are both heroes that are only as effective as you make them, based on stats it can even be argued that Tracer is actually underperforming in most ranks.
Tracer has high mobility, high damage output, small hitbox and low health and a sustain ability on a high cooldown has high mobility, high damage output, big hitbox, high health and damage negation in the form of DM.
If you get pounced on by a who uses both primary and missiles she will delete you without you really having a chance of doing much. Her having a big hitbox doesn’t matter because she will kill you before you can do enough damage, she also basically has a 2nd life.
Tracer at least gives you a fighting chance, she moves fast and is hard to hit sure, but she’s only going to be as good as the average player of the ELO, statistically speaking she’s going to be underperforming so you should have the advantage. after her DM rework has basically been S-tier. Reason being that she’s super versatile and basically is the hero that makes every hero work, without her most comps we know of would have big glaring weaknesses that would be way easier to exploit and countering the comps would be way easier.
She’s used to both make the comps work and to beat the comps, you basically almost want her. She simply does everything that you’d ever want from an off tank. has counters but just like Tracer she can outplay all of them. People think of Zarya as a counter to her but people pick to DM Zarya’s gravs…
There are so many ways to play her that even when you have a hero like Zarya whose primary she can’t DM it doesn’t matter because she doesn’t have to be within the Zarya’s range.
People talk about how Pharmercy is a counter to GOATs but in the pro scene, the comp has evolved where Zen is used which means a Pharah can be discorded and deleted by Nothing else is required to deal with her. by far has an easier time playing around and outplaying her “counters” compared to Tracer. Tracer can avoid Brig’s Bash but when that Rally armor makes everyone a tank and basically cuts her damage in half, the TTK alone makes it not worth playing her.
There has been a couple of threads about how Brigitte got overnerfed and the impending Tracerpocalypse (within just a couple of days of the changes). But here are the statistical facts.
If you go to Overbuff now and look at this month, Tracer barely even has a 50% winrate in Diamond and Master. A top 10% player on average barely wins 50% of their games, that is insane. You have to be a top 1% player just to have a somewhat decent winrate on her.
If you go look at her winrates for this week like some Brig players have been doing then Tracer’s winrates have barely changed at all.
If you look at her winrate already starts being positive in gold.
It is nothing but pure bias.