Hello There! To whom it may concern, this is in regards to the Cyberdevil Widowmaker skin. I wanted to input a suggestion on Blizzard hopefully re-releasing this skin sometime soon? I’ve been playing OW for the last 6 months and have fallen in love with the game. I’m striving to become a T500 Widow and I’d love to have this skin to showcase especially because of the fact I will be starting to stream soon. On top of that I hope this is seen by someone to where I can probably build a connection to Blizzard for future reference and I hope you take my suggestion into account. If not I understand but again, I’d love for this skin to be released again. Thank you and have an amazing day.
99% skins most likely will come back since Blizzard now went full Mr.Krabs on this game. I think this week is first shop rotation that has season 1 cosmetics like the day of the dead reaper bundle. You just have to wait it out with the rest of us.
No official word on rereleases of previous OW2 skins whatsoever, but seeing as it was a shop skin, even tho it was matched for the season theme at the time, I’m almost positive it’ll make a comeback at some point.
Maybe not for awhile, since I’m sure they have a vault of skins they are going to release (probably why OW1 spent so much time in maintanence mode, they were stockpiling skins for shop releases), but eventually.