Cyberdevil Widow is available through hero gallery

1900 coins, ik there’s people (like me) who have been waiting for this skin to return to the shop

figured i would let anyone else who wants it know :slight_smile: not sure if it’s a bug or not but yeah


Appears to be intentional

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awesome!! didn’t realize it was intentional. thanks for the update :slight_smile:

I’m … surprised actually! I’m still thinking this might be a bug and it will get fixed so soon.

But then, it makes sense, this is the second season of the second year, so it makes sense they add skins shop after 1 year.

On the other hand, there are some bugged skins. Like the recolors of Ashe and Sym are with a weird name, and the old ones are a copy of the new ones :thinking:

If Blizzard starts doing this I’ll be so happy :pleading_face: