Hello, this is my first post here and although I’m not sure if this is the best place to post this I still feel like this should be heard. So I’m a support main on console (Xbox if that matters) and I usually hover around 2500-2600. Tank 2500-2600 as well and Damage 1900-2000. I’ve been experiencing infrequent, yet consistent disconnects from Overwatch and even Xbox live. At first I chalked it up to just my internet not being the best. But it’s honestly become too undeniable that I’m along with other support players, are being attacked and booted out of the game and even offline when our team is winning. My suspicions were confirmed when I was in a group that I had made in game that there are people that are booting support players off the enemy team when they are loosing. One of my fellow teammates described a game where they were in game chat and their damage player stated “I’m ddosing haha” and everyone assumed it to be a joke, only for a few minutes later when that same player was getting upset that their team was loosing and said “Their Moira is going bye bye” and she then disconnected from the game. The previous game I had played with this group I had made, our Mercy player was doing just fine, we were winning (can’t recall the map or the game mode) only for her to start running into walls, then stop moving, then leave the game. We all were kinda bummed and a few of us had said that she had been ddosed and I had agreed since the same thing had happened to me before. And my last game before this post. I was on Havana, we had attacked and pushed the payload all the way, we did pretty well, had time left over, everyone on my team was talking and everything was well, it was time to defend, we are doing alright, the enemy team pushes it into the warehouse and we hold them there for a bit, then my latency jumps from its usual 70-80 to 500 and I disconnect from the game, I can’t join back for a minute but then I can, I try to play and everything seems fine for about 30 seconds only for my latency to skyrocket again and my internet in my house goes completely down for 10 minutes. I honestly am frustrated with having to deal with this. I really want to just say it’s my internet but it’s too obvious at this point. It is way too consistent to be that. I can play any other multiplayer game at this time (I generally play at 10pm-2pm) and my internet won’t drop. Hell, I honestly can’t remember the last time my internet dropped like that on any other game and it not being Xbox live going down. I only listed a few example but there has been many disconnects like this before for me. I know there isn’t much I can do without knowing who the culprit is, but I figured maybe making a post here might help, I dunno anymore.
~A frustrated support player